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Tweeting Through Psalms


Psalm 91:15 — Those who love and know God are not promised life without trouble, but nary a trouble without God.


Psalm 91:15 — It is better to have God with us in trouble than to be trouble-free without God. 


Psalm 91:15 — To have more troubles than others is to spend more time in the company of God, which explains why the more afflicted saints are normally the best acquainted with the Almighty.


Psalm 91:16 — God’s true intimates—those with the deepest affection for Him and a deeper acquaintance with Him—are promised a satisfying end to their temporal lives in the here-and-now, as well as the subsequent realization of their complete salvation in their endless lives hereafter.


Psalm 94:9-10  How can seeing come from something that cannot see, hearing from something that cannot hear, correction from something that is not correct, or knowledge from something that cannot know? Obviously, such an assertion is an absolute absurdity!


"I don't have enough faith to be an atheist." (Norman Geisler)


Psalm 97:10To love the Lord necessitates the hating of evil. You can’t do one without the other.


Psalm 100:3 — As God-made products, we are God-owned property.


Psalm 105:19 — It was “the Word of the Lord” that tried Joseph, not the pit, the slave block, nor the prison cell. Faith’s greatest crisis occurs when our problems appear to contradict God’s promise. Will we trust through such trials or fail the test of our faith in God's Word?


Psalm 106:15 — Would you prefer a soul made scrawny by answers to selfish prayers or a soul made strong by God’s refusal to answer such prayers?


Psalm 107:27-28 — Living by our wits rather than God's Word is the sin that got Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden, caused the Fall of man, and separated humanity from God. However, reconciliation with God is possible when we cry out to God from our wit's end.


Psalm 107:26-31 — It is at our wits end that God’s wonders begin. (ESV)


Psalm 119:9  It is only by adopting the Bible as their compass and carefully following it as their map for life that our youth can chart for themselves a correct course through an uncertain future and into Heaven's sure and safe harbor.  


Psalm 119:10 — To keep yourself from wandering from the commandments of God you need only to wholeheartedly seek communion with God.


Psalm 119:32  It is only those with enlarged hearts for God who will hasten to obey God.


Psalm 119:38 — We most revere God when God's Word is made real to us.


Psalm 119:71  Affliction can be the school of hard knocks in which we learn to live by God's laws.


Psalm 119:89 — In all of this world of uncertainty and unsurety, there is one thing you can always be certain about and sure of—God’s Word! (Matthew 5:17-18; 24:35)


Without the anchor of God’s Word we are adrift on the stormy sea of subjectivism and headed for the rocky shoals of relativism.  


Psalm 119:162 — What kind of country would our country be if its people were as interested in God's Word as they are Hillary's emails and Trump's tweets? 


Psalm 119:165 — Obedience to God’s Law is dependent upon our love for it. Loving it more results in our stumbling less. 


Psalm 121:1 — Uplifted eyes are the remedy for a downcast spirit.


Psalm 121:1-2 — Looking down to simply glance at your problems and looking up to steadfastly gaze upon your God will minimize your fretting and maximize your faith.


Psalm 121:3-4 — Why should I slip or stumble when my God neither slumbers nor sleeps?


Psalm 121:5 — The divinity—"the Lord is thy keeper"—and proximity—"the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand"—of my soul’s Safekeeper.


Psalm 121:6 — No higher power can harm those in the hollow of the Most High’s hand.


Psalm 121:7-8 — The saved soul is kept eternally secure by the soul's sole SafeKeeper.


Psalm 122:6  To pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the City of Peace, is to pray for the coming peaceful reign of the Prince of Peace, for until then, there will be no peace in Jerusalem, the cup of trembling God has put to the lips of this war-torn world. (Zechariah 12:2)


We promise you that we will not cede a single part of Palestine, we will not cede Jerusalem, we will continue to fight and we will no lay down our arms. (Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh)


Psalm 131:1-2 — To calm the soul one must leave the problems of virtue in rags and vice in velvet, as well as ignorance at a premium and knowledge at a discount, to divine Omniscience to solve!


Psalm 134:1-3 — To stand by night in the house of the Lord—to worship in worrisome times—and to lift up your hands, even when they’re hanging down from hardship and heartache, is to scale the summit and secure the blessing of God atop Mount Zion.


Psalm 135:1-2 — The chief end of man is to worship, not to work. It is to stand still in God's presence, not scurry around in His service. If more saints stood in praise of God there would be less problems in the house of God, for a praising heart cannot sin. (Psalm 135:1-2)


Psalm 137:1-4 — The songs of Zion cannot be sung in Babylon for the entertainment of Chaldeans. They are not meant to be performed for the world, but only for the praise and worship of God.


Psalm 137:1-6 The songs of Zion can never be sung in exile or for the entertainment of the world, but only in God’s presence and for His praise.


Psalm 137:5-6 — True praise is impossible, both its music muted and songs silenced, outside "Jerusalem," where the presence of God is neither man’s chief pursuit nor greatest joy. 


Psalm 137:7-9 — Divine retribution awaits all who either delight in or attempt to disallow the true praise of God by driving God’s people from His presence.


Psalm 138:1 — To truly praise God you must praise Him exclusively and wholeheartedly.


Psalm 138:2 — True worship is toward the holy temple of the one and only true God, not toward the temples, mosques, or shrines of false gods.


Psalm 138:2 — We should praise the name of Jesus for His unconditional love for us and for the unquestionable truth of His Word, which is the only thing He magnifies above His name, proving it unimpeachable in a world of uncertainties.


Psalm 138:2 — God is so serious about His Word that He has magnified it above His own name, which means He’ll step down as God if He ever fails to do anything He’s said.


Psalm 138:3 — In the day of distress, God provides strength for our soul, not necessarily deliverance from all our problems, if we'll cry out to Him in prayer. 


Psalm 138:4-5 — The reason world leaders fail to laud the Lord is they refuse to listen to His words; if they did, they would be glad in His ways and glory in His worthiness.


Psalm 138:6 — The Lord Most High is mindful of the lowly, but knows the proud from afar; that is, He knows all about them, but has no relationship with them.


Psalm 138:7-8 — In troubled times, God can be trusted to revive and restore us, to protect and preserve us, to perfect His plans and purposes concerning us, and to forgive and not forsake us.


Psalm 139:13-16 — No Bible believing Christian can be prochoice! The sanctity of human life is a nonnegotiable tenet of Scripture. Every abortion is not only a violation of this nonnegotiable truth, but also the termination of a sacred human life.


Psalm 139:23-24 True self-knowledge does not come under the flickering flashlight of personal introspection, but only under the sheering searchlight of God’s Spirit. Unfortunately, most men shrink from divine scrutiny, lest their supposed halo be tarnished.


Psalm 141:2 — We should seek, by lifting up our hands to God in self-sacrificing supplication, to pray prayers to God that are as pleasing as the savor of the sweetest-smelling of all perfumed incense.


Psalm 141:3 — God should be the watchman over our words, the doorkeeper of our mouth, opening it when we should speak up and closing it when we should shut up.


Psalm 145:3 — Prayer should be a deep dive into the fathomless depths of God’s greatness, not a narrow exercise in exacting expediency, but an expanded one in extolling the divine excellencies.


Psalm 145:3 — If God was small enough for you to understand, He would be no bigger than you are.


Psalm 145:3 — Some balk at a God bigger than their understanding, I bow before Him, believing that a god no bigger than my reason is unworthy of my reverence.


Psalm 145:18 — God is only a prayer away. 


Psalm 146:2-4 — For our country to turn to ourselves—our politicians and populace—rather than to God in a crisis is to foolishly substitute ourselves—who are so helpless that each breath we take could be our last—for the only One who can help us.


Psalm 146:5 — It is only those who look to the Lord for their help and hope who can live their lives with legitimate and lasting happiness.


Psalm 149:5 — It is right for the saints to rejoice in repose, even on a sickbed or their deathbed, when their backs are to the earth, their faces are turned toward Heaven, and their souls are at rest in Christ.


Psalm 150:1-6 — God is to be praised for everything He has done and for everything He is by everyone, everywhere, with everything.