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Tweeting Through John's Gospel


John 14:13 — “In Jesus name” is not a magical mantra to be tagged on to the end of our prayers, as though it obligates God to practice divine capitulation to all human solicitation. Instead, it simply means to pray under Christ’s authority, in His interest, and as His emissary.


John 14:14 — It’s actually possible to pray “in Jesus name” without even saying these words in the wrapping up of your prayer, just as it’s equally possible to wrap up unheeded prayers with this oft repeated phrase. 


John 14:16-20 — As the Father lived in this world through His Son, who lived His life in this world for His Father, who lived within Him, Christ lives His live in this world through Christians, who live their lives for Christ, who lives within them in the person of the Holy Spirit. 


John 14:21 — The true test of one’s love for Christ is one’s obedience to Christ. Many a modern-day churchgoer confesses his or her love for Christ on Sunday, only to ignore Christ's commands throughout the rest of the week.


John 14:23-24 — It is those who follow Christ's Word who truly love Him, not those who flaunt it publicly, while flouting it personally.


John 14:29 — The purpose of prophecy, especially fulfilled prophecy, is to convince men to believe in Christ.


John 15:1-2 — The more we’re pruned from the superfluous things of the world, the more spectacular fruit we produce for Christ.


John 15:4 — To be abiding in the vine is all that is needed for a branch to bear fruit. Likewise, to be in fellowship with Christ is all that is needed for the Christian to bear fruit. 


John 15:5 — Not only can we do nothing without Christ, but there is nothing without Christ, for Christ is the all in all of all of life. Nothingness is really nothing but Christlessness. If Christ isn’t in it, there’s nothing to it. 


John 15:5 — NOTHING of spiritual and lasting significance, of true eternal consequence, or for God's forever glory can be done apart from Christ. Any questions?


John 15:16  Contrary to popular opinion, Christ is not chosen by Christians, but Christians are chosen by Christ. Furthermore, the Christian’s fruitful and effectual service of Christ is not fortuitous, but foreordained by Christ.


Although those chosen by Christ may opt to do fruitless and impermanent things for Him, Christ has already ordained what He will fruitfully and permanently do through them.


John 15:16 — Christians have not chosen Christ for themselves, but Christ has chosen them for Himself. Why we should choose Christ is understandable, but why He should choose us is unimaginable. 


John 15:18-20 — Those who live as Christ lived in the world will be treated as Christ was treated by the world. To be liked by the world, you must be nothing like Christ. 


John 15:18-20 — Christians should neither expect to be loved, popular, nor complimented in the same world that loathed, persecuted, and crucified Christ. 


John 15:23 — To hate Jesus Christ—God the Son—is to hate God the Father. 


John 16:7 — It was expedient for Jesus to go so that the Spirit could come. In His incarnation, to be with Jesus you had to be where He was, but in the indwelling Holy Spirit, He is in us wherever we are. Christ was with His disciples sometimes, but He is with us all the time.


John 16:7-11 — The Holy Spirit is in the world to convict us of sin and to convince us of our need to come to Christ to be made right with God, lest we be judged by God for rejecting His Son and refusing to repent of our sins.


John 16:7-11 — Without the Spirit’s conviction the sinner cannot be converted.


John 16:13 — The Holy Spirit is our God-given spiritual compass, who is given to us to guide us into all truth. No one can discover spiritual truths without the divine compass of the Spirit of Truth.


Come, Holy Ghost, for moved by thee, 

Thy prophets wrote and spoke: 

Unlock the truth, thyself the key,

Unseal the sacred book. 

Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, 

Brood o'er our nature's night; 

On our disordered spirits move,

And let there now be light. (Charles Wesley) 


John 16:14 — If you’re not doing it for the honor of Christ, you can’t count on the help of the Holy Spirit, who is in this world for the express purpose of glorifying Christ. 


John 16:23 — To petition someone in another’s name means to do so under the authorization and in the stead of the one whose name we are using. Therefore, to petition the Father in the name of the Son means to pray at Christ’s behest, for His bidding, and as His ambassador!


John 16:33  Although Jesus assured us of eventual triumph over this world, He also assured us of the inevitability of trouble in this world.


The triumphant Christian life is not a trouble free life, but a life of triumphing over troubles!


John 16:33 The Christian is promised peace in Christ, not a trouble free life in this world. With Christ, who overcame the world, living in the Christian, the Christian is assured of living a life in this world within which all this world’s troubles are overcome.


John 17:3 — To know God and to live forever one needs only to become acquainted with Jesus Christ. 


John 17:3 — Eternal life is experientially knowing God through Jesus Christ, whom God sent to make Him known. It is not knowing about God intellectually or knowing about Christ doctrinally, but knowing God personally, through your intimate acquaintance with Jesus Christ.


John 17:3 — Neither acquaintance with God nor the acquiring of eternal life is possible until one has personally encountered and subsequently entered into a personally relationship with Jesus Christ. 


John 17:9 — Although Christ loves the world and gave Himself as a propitiation for it, He does not waste His prayers on it, but prays only for those His Father has given Him and called out of it. 


John 17:17  It is through the Scripture that the saints are sanctified; that is, set apart for God. Therefore, any professed saint who does not practice the Scripture is not set apart for God as a saint of God.


"I am a Bible-bigot. I follow it in all things, both great and small.” (John Wesley)


John 17:17  God’s Word is truth and the truth is what God’s Word says. We should not test the truth of God’s Word by other things, but the truth of other thing by God’s Word.


Man-made science is not the polygraph of the divinely inspired Word of God, but God’s infallible Word should serve as the polygraph of man’s fallible science.


John 18:11 It is only in a cup from God that earthly gall can be served to God’s sons, which does not make it pleasant nor pleasurable, but purposeful and therefore more palatable.


John 18:28 — The religious mercilessly condemned and crucified Christ, while meticulously observing their religious rituals, rites, and rules. Religion is no friend of Christianity, but has always been its most ruthless foe. (John 19:31)


John 18:28 — Christ-forsaking religion leaves its faithful followers filthy clean. 


John 19:4 — Even Pilate, who condemned Christ to the cross, found Him faultless. 


John 19:11 No human government can exercise any power over us that has not been given to it from above; that is, all earthly power is Heavenly endowed.


John 19:12-16 — The coronators of Caesar are always crucifiers of Christ. As it has been perceptively perceived, love of country without love for Christ is idolatry.


John 19:14-15 — God eventually used Rome’s Caesar, who Jerusalem bowed to rather than to Christ, to judge and destroy Jerusalem. Likewise, God is using America’s government, which today’s Americans are bowing to rather than to God, to judge and destroy America.


"Once you abolish God, the government becomes god. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world." (G. K. Chesterton)


John 19:30  The Greek word Jesus cried out from the cross, which is translated, “It is finished,” actually meant, “paid in full.” When Jesus died on the cross He wrote, with His own blood, “paid in full” across the sin debt of the whole world.


Jesus paid it all

All to Him I owe.

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow.


John 19:30 — Christianity is unique. All other faiths are spelled “DO,” but ours is spelled “DONE.” We are not saved by anything we do, but by what Christ has already done for us, which we could have never done for ourselves.


John 19:31 — The religious mercilessly condemned and crucified Christ, while meticulously observing their religious rituals, rites, and rules. Religion is no friend of Christianity, but has always been its most ruthless foe. (John 18:28)


John 19:38-42 — Covert disciples of Christ are only good for burying Jesus! 


John 20:22 — In the work of creation, the Creator breathed His life into man, making man a living soul. Likewise, in the work of recreation, Christ breathes His resurrected lifethe Holy Spiritinto Christians, making us a new creation in Him. (Genesis 2:7; 2 Corinthians 5:17)


John 20:29 — It is a good thing to have faith in the Christ you see, but it is a far greater thing to have faith in an unseen Christ. 


John 20:30-31 —The whole purpose of the written Word of God, the Bible, is to testify to us of the Living Word of God, Jesus, so that we will believe in Him and have life in His name.


John 21:1-8  We know it is the Lord when the nights of our lives become mornings and the empty nets of our struggle and toil are suddenly and miraculously filled.  


John 21:18 — Have you learned what it means to be girded for death? It means to be bound to the altar as a living sacrifice. It means conformity to Christ’s death; that is, readiness and willingness to die for Him as He died for you! (Genesis 22:9; Romans 12:1; Philippians 3:19)