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Tweeting Through Isaiah


Isaiah 19:11-15 — The stupidity of a sinful nation's strutting politicians, who’ve been instilled by God with a spirit of senselessness, steers the populace into staggering like drunkards to their own destruction.


Isaiah 19:16 — In the day of Judgment, men will be terrified by the upraised fist of God shaking over them.


Isaiah 22:1-14 — An unrepentant city of revelry facing divine retribution is populated by partiers today who will perish tomorrow.


Isaiah 24:1 — A fallen earth, which condemned those who received the Gospel for turning the world upside down, will be turned upside down and condemned by God for rejecting the Gospel. (Acts 17:6)


Isaiah 25:1-5 — For the prosecution of His preordained plan to ruin the ruthless and to provide refuge to the ravaged, God will be rightly praised by both the routed and the rescued.


Isaiah 25:6-8 — When all the saved gather around the great supper of salvation they will feast on forever fare, be eternally exhilarated, have the shroud of death once and for all removed, and be thereafter without tears or troublers.


Isaiah 25:9-12 — Whereas the hand of the Lord will forever rest upon those assured of their awaited salvation and who anxiously anticipate their acknowledgement of their Savior at His Second Advent, their adversaries will be trampled by their Redeemer into the dust at His return.


Isaiah 26:1 — The song of the invincible is sung by those eternally secure within the invulnerable stronghold of God’s sure salvation.


Isaiah 26:1-4 — Protected within the stronghold of the sure salvation of God, God’s singing saints, who not only trumpet His truth, but totally trust in Him, are forever secure, strong, and serene.


Isaiah 26:3-4 — To fix one’s focus on the Lord and one's faith in the Lord is to possess perpetual and perfect peace. 


Isaiah 26:5-11 — Whereas the poor in spirit voluntarily walk the paths of righteousness for God’s renown, while patiently waiting for their reward, the proud, who live in lofty places, will never learn righteousness until forced to do so the hard way by divine retribution.


Isaiah 26:12 — Having everything performed for us by God provides for us an everlasting peace from God. 


Isaiah 26:13-19 — Although the people of the Lord may be lorded over by others as a woman is by labor pains, they will remain devoted to the Lord alone, and ultimately be avenged by an angry God who will assign all their former oppressors to the grave. 


Isaiah 26:20-21 — During the coming, concluding, and cataclysmic indignation of Heaven aroused against an iniquitous earth, God’s people are to seek shelter in their personal house churches and their private prayer closets until the perilous times of the last days are passed. (Matthew 6:6; 2 Timothy 3:1)


Isaiah 27:1 — A day is coming when leviathan’s (Lucifer's) death sentence will at last be executed. Satan—the crooked serpent and great dragon—will be run through with the strong and sharp sword of the Word of the Lord. (Revelation 12:9; 19:15; 20:2-3, 7-10)


Isaiah 27:2-9 — God’s people are His vineyard in the wilderness of this world. They’re under His perpetual and particular care. While He removes briers and thorns from among them, He does so without fury towards them, so that He’ll be glorified by the fruit He produces through them. 


Isaiah 27:10-11 — Ignorance of God is no excuse for iniquities against God. Therefore, ignorance of the divine provides no human grounds of appeal before the Heavenly bar for a more lenient or merciful judgment.


Isaiah 28:1-4 — If we crown ourselves with pride rather than God with praise, and glory in our appetites, appearance, and affluence, rather than in our adoration of God, judgment will sweep us away like flowers in a storm and swallow us up like the hungry do the first fruits. 


Isaiah 28:5-6 — There is coming a day when the crown of God’s people will be a glorified Christ, who will make them incorruptible and invulnerable.


Isaiah 28:7-8 — Nothing is more sickening than pie-eyed priests and phony prophets so intoxicated with pride that they make others stumble over the slurred verdicts and visions they've spit up.


Isaiah 28:9-13 — When God’s prophets are ridiculed for preaching the simple truths of God’s Word, their scoffers will soon be silenced by the shout of God’s judgment.


Isaiah 28:14-15, 18-22 — Those who make a jest of God’s judgment, who make lies their refuge and falsehoods their fortress, have made a covenant with death and hell. They’ve made their own bed, which is too short to lie on and has too little cover for comfort.


Isaiah 28:16-17 — To build your life on God’s Word is to build on a true and tried, as well as solid and sure foundation. It is to enable oneself to remain calm and unshakable when measured by justice and weighed in the balance of righteousness.


Isaiah 28:23-29 — As the harvesting farmer carefully preserves the grain while separating it from the chaff, God harvests souls in a way that carefully preserves the saints while separating them from the sinners.


Isaiah 39:1-8 — Foolish politicians are unfazed by the consequences of their foolish conniving with foreign adversaries, as long as the consequences of it will not be suffered by them personally, but only by their posterity.


Isaiah 40:8  In a world of uncertainties and insecurities, there is one thing you can always be certain and sure about, the divinely inspired, infallible, immutable, indestructible, and infinite Word of God. 


Isaiah 40:12, 15 — To a God so big that He holds oceans in the hollow of His hand and measures the universe with the span of His hand, the great nations of the world are no more than an infinitesimal drop in the bucket or an imperceptible speck of dust on the scales.


Isaiah 40:22 — God sits enthroned on the earth, sovereign over everything upon it and all that occurs within it.


Isaiah 40:23-24 — World rulers are mere pawns in the hands of divine providence; once they’ve served God’s purpose, He weathers them under His hot breath and blows them away like stubble.


Isaiah 40:23-24 — Presidents, like potentates and prime ministers, are mere pawns in the hands of divine providence. No sooner does God raise them up for His purposes than He removes them, proving that human pomp is mere pretense in the eyes of divine omnipotence. 


Isaiah 41:10 — There is no anxiety to those assured of God’s presence, for those upheld by God's hand feel no need to be uptight over any horror.


Isaiah 41:21-23 — According to the Bible, all the gods of all other religions are all proven false by their powerlessness to predetermine and their inability to predict future events. (Isaiah 45:20-22) 


Isaiah 41:21-24 — The gods of all other religions are proven false and the God of the Bible proven true by the fact that He alone predicts the future.


Isaiah 43:11 — The only solution to America’s mass shootings is Jesus Christ, who alone can save us from our sin. If we really want to do something to stop them, we must turn to God in repentance, not to government for a remedy.


Isaiah 43:11 — As its sole Savior, Jesus Christ is the world’s only hope.


Isaiah 43:13 — Divine intervention is humanly irreversible!


Isaiah 43:25  — Do you know that there is something an all-knowing God cannot remember? It is all the sins of everyone He has forgiven!


Isaiah 43:25 — There is something our omniscient God cannot remember, the sins of those He has forgiven. 


Isaiah 44:6-7 — Since it is by His divine providence that the future unfolds, it is God alone who can foretell the future.


Isaiah 45:1-13 — God uses national leaders, even the unscrupulous and unconverted, as anointed instruments in the carrying out of His preordained plans and purposes upon the earth. In doing so, He proves both His sovereignty over our world and His supremacy within it.


Isaiah 45:9 — It takes a cracked pot among the clay pots to argue with its Potter!


Isaiah 45:20-22 — According to the Bible, all the gods of all other religions are all proven false by their powerlessness to predetermine and their inability to predict future events. (Isaiah 41:21-23) 


Isaiah 45:20-22 — Prophecy’s peculiarity to the Bible not only proves the God of the Bible to be the world's only true God, but also the Bible to be the world’s only holy book.


Isaiah 45:20-22 — The prevalence of prophecy in the Holy Bible, as well as its absence from all other so-called holy books, proves the God of the Bible to be the only true God, the Bible to be the only real holy book, and all other so-called holy books to be unholy frauds.


Isaiah 45:22 — All the world over and to earth’s remotest ends, there is but one true God to whom all men must look for salvation. Humanity’s only hope is to look to Christ alone. 


Isaiah 45:22 — As the world's only true God, the world has nowhere else to turn for true salvation besides the God of the Bible.


Isaiah 46:8-13 — Having preordained the future, God alone can predict it. Everything, from foreign potentates to birds of prey, are pawns in God's hands for carrying out His inevitable plans and purposes.


Isaiah 47:1-15 — God grounds the glory of world powers, lifts their splendor to expose their shame, and proves their trusted sorceries to be stubble.


Isaiah 47:8-9 — To smugly conjure yourself up as the center of the universe is to sentence your universe to an inevitable and instantaneous implosion.


Isaiah 48:3 — What God proclaims He performs, what He declares He does, all He heralds will happen! 


Isaiah 49:6 — Jesus Christ sums up all of God’s covenants, fulfills all of God’s promises, and extends God’s salvation to the ends of the earth.


Isaiah 49:8 — Jesus Christ is the Covenant, God’s ultimate covenant with all people, which supersedes all other covenants ever made.


Isaiah 50:10-11 — When we find ourselves in the dark, we should trust the Lord to light our way, lest we tumble into trouble by the light of our own torches.


Isaiah 50:11 — Striking sparks from the flint of our flesh to ignite our own fires never provides us with light to live by. It only leaves us in the dark shade of our own devises and leads us to the dire sorrows of our own designs. 


Isaiah 51:7 — If the Lord's instruction is in your heart, you need not fret nor fear the indignation and insults of humanity.


Isaiah 52:12 — Don’t rush into today, but enter it retrospectively and resolutely, remembering that God is your vanguard for tomorrow and your rear guard against yesterday.


Isaiah 53:1 — The preaching of God's prophets is unbelievable to those to whom the power of God has not been revealed.


Isaiah 53:2 — In the incredible miracle of the Incarnation, He who is altogether lovely appeared without comeliness. (Song of Solomon 5:16) 


Isaiah 53:6  Here is a succinct summary of the story of all Scripture. In its first “all” is human ruin and in its second “all” the divine remedy. We enter the verse confronted with the prospect of our condemnation, but exit it comforted with the possibility of our salvation.


The sturdiest tree that ever stood is the cross of Calvary, for on it Jesus bore the unbearable burden of all the sins of all time.


Isaiah 54:17 — It is the heritage of God's servants to ward off all weapons and to acquit themselves of all accusations raised against them.


Isaiah 55:1-2  The spiritually debilitated and destitute are graciously invited by God to come to Christ and satisfy their thirsty and hungry souls by freely drinking of the Living Water and eating of the Bread of Life.


Although the spiritually malnourished and moneyless cannot purchase the unpurchasable milk of God's Word nor wine of God's Spirit, they are invited by God to come to Christ and freely imbibe of both for the sustaining of their spiritual existence and the obtaining of their spiritual euphoria.


Isaiah 55:8-9 — Divine thoughts and ways are as far above human thoughts and ways as the heavens are above the earth.


Isaiah 55:10-11— It's not preached sermons that never return void, but God's personally spoken Word that proves inevitably victorious. 


Isaiah 59:1-2 — It is our unconfessed and unreported of sin, not God's short arm or deaf ear that leaves us unsaved and our prayers unheard.


Isaiah 59:14 — Where truth has fallen in the street; that is, where it is without patrons and passed by apathetically by the public, there is neither justice nor equity, but partiality. The guilty are exonerated and the innocent are incriminated.


Isaiah 59:14 — A perfect description of present-day America found on the page of an ancient prophecy: Justice is shoved out of the courts, righteousness is plumb out of sight, truth is scorned in the public square, and integrity is scarce throughout the land.


Isaiah 60:22 — Although God’s plans and promises may be slow in coming to fruition, they are sure to be fulfilled at the right time, for God’s timing is always perfect and impeccable.


Isaiah 62:6-7 — Our prayers are God’s reminders of His promises. Therefore, we are not to faint in our prayers until God’s promises are fulfilled in our world and lives. 


Isaiah 64:4 — Unlike all false gods, who demand all men to work on their behalf, our God works on the behalf of all men who wait for Him. Don't get ahead of God, by taking things into your own hands, but wait for Him, leaving things in His hands. Only then will you see His work on your behalf.


Isaiah 64:6 — The rags of self-righteousness are unfitting attire for anyone aspiring to attain an audience with God.


Isaiah 65:24 — Prayers are heard by God before they are spoken and answered by Him before they are prayed.