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NOVEMBER 22, 2013


In his first televised interview after winning the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama told “60 Minutes” that he was reading a  book about F.D.R. It turned out that the president-elect was actually reading more than one book about the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. No sooner had Mr. Obama been elected, when his fellow Democrats began promising America a new “New Deal.” As Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times, “Suddenly, everything old is New Deal again. Reagan is out; F.D.R. is in.”
The late Senator Jessie Helms once said: “The destruction of this country can be pinpointed in terms of its beginning to the time that our political leadership turned to socialism. They didn’t call it socialism, of course. It was given deceptive names and adorned with fancy slogans. We heard about New Deals, and Fair Deals and New Frontiers and the Great Society.” 
Garet Garrett, one of the most ardent opponents of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, once warned in an essay that a day would come when the American people would be “looking up the road” for a coming socialist revolution that had already occurred “behind them.” According to Garrett, “It went by in the night of the Depression, singing songs to freedom.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the patron saint of today’s liberal Democrats, attempted to parlay economic crisis (the Great Depression) into a socialist takeover of America. Roosevelt, proposed to a decimated and impoverished populace, that the federal government become the caretaker of the citizenry. A desperate nation in dire and desperate straits acquiesced. Afterward, the electorate  gratefully granted their beloved and seemingly benevolent president an unprecedented four terms in office.
their beloved and seemingly benevolent president an unprecedented four terms in office.
Roosevelt’s socialist coup de tat eventually ran into a brick wall in the form of the United States Supreme Court, which struck down the heart and soul of Roosevelt’s New Deal— the National Industrial Recovery Act. According to the Court, the federal government had grossly overstepped its constitutional authority in the implementation of a myriad of Roosevelt’s socialist programs.
Enraged by the Court’s ruling, Roosevelt proposed to add a justice to the Supreme Court for every justice who reached 70 years of age. Although he explained his proposal as nothing more than an attempt on his part to lighten the workload of elder justices, no one was fooled by the president’s thinly veiled attempt to pack the Court with justices who would rubber stamp his socialist programs and pave the way for the country’s transformation from capitalism to socialism. 
Undoubtedly, Roosevelt’s loyal and unwavering electoral support, as well as people’s perception of him as the country’s savior, gave him the audacity to brazenly attempt to pack the Supreme Court and take over the judicial branch of government. Gratefully,  Roosevelt failed in his attempt to take over the judiciary; and Congress, having witnessed the danger posed by a four term president, past a law limiting all future presidents to two terms in office.
Even members of Roosevelt’s own Party rose up in staunch opposition to his court-packing proposal. As a result, the New Deal became a “No Deal” and Roosevelt was handed one of the most crushing defeats of his political career. Outraged by Roosevelt’s brazen coup de tat, Democratic Representative John O’Connor accused F.D.R. of “arousing the people of this country as they have seldom been stirred up before.” O’Connor went on to add, that the people saw in their president’s proposal “the strength of a dictatorship…[and] the people of this country want no part of a dictatorship.”
As it has been astutely observed, “If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.” President Obama, like F.D.R., was voted into the Oval Office at a time of financial crisis in America. His former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, counseled the fledgling president in the initial days of his presidency not to let the nation’s economic “crisis go to waste.”
Mr. Obama wasted no time attempting to implement his socialist agenda under the cover of our country’s financial crisis. Of course, the heart and soul of President Obama’s  new “New Deal” is the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare, as the Affordable Care Act is better known, is a brazen attempt by President Obama and his political party to shove America into socialized medicine, which is intended to snowball into a socialist takeover of America. 
The dysfunctional mess of the Obamacare rollout has clearly caught President Obama and the Democratic Party with their ideological breeches down. It is all attributable to their cramming of an unread law down the throat of the American people. Why would Democrats pass such a massive law with its immeasurable impact upon our country without even bothering to read what was in it? Truly, there is only one explanation; they couldn’t have cared less about whether or not the law was good or bad. All they cared about was force-feeding     us their socialist ideology. 
Despite passing an untenable law about which they were totally ignorant, Democrats promised Obamacare would result in more insurance policies being issued and insurance premiums being lowered. However, as we all now know, millions have lost their policies and the price of premiums is doubling and tripling. Suddenly, Mr. Obama’s socialist power grab has reached into the pockets of Americans, causing an unexpected backlash against Obamacare and threatening the success of this president’s coup de tat.
Borrowing a final play from F.D.R.’s “New Deal” playbook, President Obama and his Democratic colleagues in the Senate are now brazenly attempting to pack the federal judiciary with justices that will not only protect Obamacare from being repealed, but will also rubber stamp socialist programs designed to push and shove our country into becoming a socialist state.
Yesterday, Democrats pushed the “nuclear option” button in the United States Senate. In an act of shameless hypocrisy, they actually perpetrated what they once condemned as a “naked power grab” when merely proposed by Republicans. Of course, like their patron saint, F.D.R., they too thinly veiled their brazen attempt to take over the federal judiciary. According to Democrats, their “nuking” of Senate rules in order to run over opposing minority opinion was merely done to end Republican’s obstruction of President Obama’s liberal nominees to the federal judiciary, which, unlike Democrats’ past obstruction of conservative nominees to the federal judiciary, is unpardonable rather than patriotic. Patting themselves on their hypocritical backs for their sham solution to gridlock in Washington, President Obama and his senate colleagues are attempting to underhandedly pull off what F.D.R. got caught red-handed—pardon the pun—trying to perpetrate.
Many Americans have feared a mushroom cloud rising over America ever since 9/11. Well, their fears have now been realized; however, it has not occurred as they envisioned. No Muslim terrorist has setoff a nuclear device in downtown Manhattan. Instead, Senate Democrats, with the blessing, and I believe coaxing of our president, have pushed the “nuclear option” button in the United States Senate. 
Undoubtedly, most Americans will fail to see how this dictatorial act has blotted out the sun over our country’s future. They will continue to watch for dangers from without, while our country is being destroyed from within.  They will continue to see terrorist acts perpetrated by militant Islamists as the real threat to America, not dictatorial acts perpetrated by socialist elitists. 
Make no mistake about it, the dearth of discernment in our land today, along with our dumbed down populace, is exactly what President Obama and liberal Democrats are banking on. It is also why they unhesitatingly and repeatedly make one naked power grab after another without fear of being called to account. They confidently believe they can succeed in an inattentive America where F.D.R. failed in a vigilant one. What do you believe?

“Everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster – if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse.

I urge my Republican colleagues not to go through with changing these rules . . . I sense that talk of the nuclear option is more about power than about fairness. I believe some of my colleagues propose this rules change because they believe they can get away with it rather than because they know it’s good for our democracy."


Senator Barack Obama speaking against the Republican’s proposed “nuclear option” in 2005. 


“The threat to change Senate rules is a raw abuse of power and will destroy the very checks and balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent absolute power by any one branch of government.”


Senator Harry Reid speaking against the Republican’s proposed “nuclear option” in 2005.



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