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Blowing the Horn on America
7 Sep 2019

The little horn of Daniel 7:8 is equivalent to the feet of iron and clay in Daniel 2:41-44 and the first beast of Revelation chapter 13. All are symbols of the world's end-time superpower. According to Daniel 7:8, this end-time superpower springs up unexpectedly, being not only unknown, but unforeseen as well in Biblical times. Furthermore, it becomes a nation or world power by uprooting three other nations or world powers. Afterward, it not only grows to become the greatest nation or world power of all time, but also the superpower of the last days that will lead this fallen world in its final and consummate assault upon Christ and all things Christian.


America, which was both unknown and unforeseen in Biblical times, became a nation by uprooting its three colonizing powers—England, France, and Spain. Afterward, America grew to become the greatest world power of all time, not to mention the world's current superpower. For years, I've predicted, much to the chagrin of others, both inside and outside of the church, as well as to my own detriment, that America would be taken over by the spirit of antichrist, which would manifest itself in these last days in the form of democratic socialism. Well, in spite of being laughed at and loathed for a long time, the time has now come, thanks to the largest political party in America being taken over by antichrists and democratic socialists, that few of my fellow Christians are chuckling any longer at my expense.

Don Walton