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WHAT TO DO? > WHAT TO DO? (Part 8)

Preach and Preserve the Purity of the Gospel
8 Oct 2015

So far in these timely articles on What To Do, we’ve talked about something we shouldn’t do and something we should do. What we shouldn’t do is fall for the Americanized Christianity that is passing for true Christianity in America today. What we should do is preach repentance, despite the fact that it is as unpopular a message as could possibly be preached in these politically correct times. In this article, we’ll talk about a second thing we should do as Christians in these biblically predicted perilous times of the last days. 


The only way America will ever change is if the American people change. The only way the American people will ever change is if Christ changes them. And the only way Christ can change the American people is if the church will do what Christ commissioned us to do in Mark 16:15, namely, preach the Gospel. As Christians, there is nothing more important that we can do for our world and fellowman or for our country and countrymen than preach the Gospel!


The only hope for America is for the American people to get right with God. And the only way the American people will ever get right with God is if the church preaches the Gospel in America. Unfortunately, as we’ve wrote about previously in this series, the church in America has swapped the preaching of the Gospel for the political stump speech. Rather than simply fishing in the pond, as fishers of men and preachers of the Gospel, the church has decided to attempt to clean up the pond through its political activism. As a result, the church has forfeited its means of transforming our culture in order to participate in a corrupt political process that only serves to further muddy the waters of today’s politically correct society.


As we’ve previously noted in this series of articles, there is no way for the church to involve itself in modern-day politics without compromising the Gospel. Whereas compromise is considered a great virtue in politics, it is a great vice when it comes to preaching the Gospel. As Christ’s stewards of the Gospel in the world today, the church’s commission is not only to preach the Gospel, but also to protect and preserve its purity. If we fail to do so, man’s hope of salvation will be lost to the next generation, since we’ll be passing off to it a compromised rather than pure Gospel. 


Understanding what was at stake, the loss of the next generation’s hope of salvation, the Apostle Paul refused to give an inch or to compromise the Gospel for an instant, lest the Gospel passed down from his generation to the next be robbed of its power to save (Galatians 2:5). Likewise, as Christians today, you and I need to protect and preserve the purity of the Gospel by refusing to give an inch or to compromise the Gospel anywhere, at anytime, with anybody, for any reason!


Don Walton