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WHAT TO DO? > WHAT TO DO? (Part 3)

Americanized Christianity
12 Sep 2015

When it comes to what a Christian should do in these days and times—these last days and perilous times—I'd like to begin with something we shouldn't do. We shouldn't be deceived by the Americanized Christianity that is passing for real Christianity in America today.


In a recent article, Erick Erickson wrote about how many in America have concocted an Americanized Christianity. According to Erickson, many American Christians “love the country as a substitute for God.” Although I agree with Erickson that many professed Christians in America are practicing an Americanized Christianity, I don’t see it as substituting love of country for love of Christ. Instead, I see it as confusing one with the other or seeing both as synonymous, resulting in the widespread belief among American evangelicals that political activism is equivalent to serving Christ.


In the past, Christians in America—a Christian nation that served as a shining city on a hill for the whole world to see—equated allegiance to America as allegiance to Christ. Unfortunately, many Christians in today’s America—an antichrist nation that has not only outlawed any confession of Christ by its government, but is now outlawing the Christian convictions of its populace—are frozen in time. They act as though nothing has changed, as though allegiance to today’s antichrist America is the same as allegiance to yesterday’s Christian America. 


As a result, many American Christians feel obligated to continue to participate in our current and corrupt political process even at the expense of their Christian convictions. To do so requires them to compartmentalize their politics from their faith. They go to the polls to vote for lesser evils, since they are afforded no righteous alternative to evil on the ballot, while claiming at the same time to be a Christian, someone commanded by Scripture to avoid “all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).


Of course, political activism in this antichrist country is justified by today's American evangelicals as an attempt on their part to turn our country around. As it has been astutely observed, our failure to learn from history dooms us to repeat it. For instance, consider the following.


At the time of Christ’s First Advent, the people of God missed the signs of the times over their looking for a political savior for their country—Israel. Likewise, today, at the time of Christ’s Second Coming, America's evangelicals are missing the signs of the times over their looking for a political savior for our country—America. As a consequence of rejecting their promised Messiah over His failure to fulfill their political expectations, Israel suffered the judgment of God. Like 1st century Israel, 21st century America is rejecting the promised Savior in lieu of political solutions to all of our country's problems. As a result, present-day America, just like ancient Israel, is destined to suffer the soon coming judgment of God!



Don Walton