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WHAT TO DO? > WHAT TO DO? (Part 1)

A Pertinent Question in these Perilous Times
9 Sep 2015

It is my firm and very unpopular belief that you and I are living in the biblically predicted perilous times of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1). We live in a day when:

(1) The country we have known and loved is being reduced to ashes, only to rise from those ashes as the biblically predicted end-time super power who will lead this fallen world in its final and consummate all-out-assault on Christ and all things Christian.

(2) Our world is now in its free-falling downward spiral into the ever-deepening darkness of the biblically predicted perilous times of the last days.

(3) And the contemporary church in America is becoming apostate over prostituting itself to today’s politically correct culture.

In light of the above, many are asking the question: "What's a Christian to do?" What should we do in these days and times, these last days and perilous times? To answer this most pertinent question, I have begun a series of sermons entitled: WHAT TO DO. The video of the first sermon may be viewed by clicking the link below. 

In addition to sharing the videos of the sermons, I've also decided to write a series of articles on this important topic. These articles will appear on our ministry's website and be sent to our email subscribers. Stay tuned for them in the days ahead.

Don Walton