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PIECING TOGETHER BIBLE PROPHECY > The Nightmarish Image of Nebuchadnezzar (Part 6)

Volume 2, Issue 6
11 Dec 2016

We’ve shown in the last two issues of Piecing Together Bible Prophecy how all the dark goings on in the world today can be traced back to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—man’s usurping of the place of God in his life by deciding to live by his own wits rather than by God’s Word—and the Tower of Babel—man’s determination to forge his own way to Heaven by manmade religion and his own heaven on earth by human government. The inevitable result of man’s determination to live by his own reason, save his own soul, and create his own utopia upon earth apart from God is inestimable evil. How can fallen man, in rebellion against God, who alone is good and the source of all good, possibly produce anything good? The only possible product for man to produce independent of God and at enmity with God is evil, which is in its final analysis nothing more than the inevitable consequence of the absence of God, who is the only good in all of creation. 
We’ve also shown in the last issue of Piecing Together Bible Prophecy how Babylon, represented by the head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar’s nightmarish image, was not just history’s first great Gentile world power, but also the forerunner of all future attempts by fallen man to forge for himself his own way into Heaven—a one world religion—and his own heaven on earth—a one world government. While ancient Babylon, once ruled by Nebuchadnezzar, perished long ago, its typology lives on in each ensuing age wherever the political, economic, cultural and religious center of the world is found. This explains why Peter called Rome “Babylon” in 1 Peter 5:13; it was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of the world in Peter’s day. 
Ancient Babylon was the first great Gentile world power in human history, as well as the birthplace of false religion. It should not be limited in our understanding, however, to its ancient existence, but also figuratively understood for what it symbolizes. As the antitype in Scripture of Jerusalem, which symbolizes the kingdom of Heaven, Babylon should also be understood as symbolizing the kingdom of this world. It is to be found in every age wherever fallen man has centered his efforts to forge for himself his own way into Heaven and his own heaven on earth.  For instance, today’s Babylon is America, the political, economic, cultural and religious center of our modern-day world.
The next thing we need to carefully observe about the nightmarish image of Nebuchadnezzar is how it decreases in value from the top to the bottom. It goes from gold (head) to silver (breast and arms) to bronze (stomach and thighs) to iron (legs) to mud (toes and feet). Here, we find a most interesting, not to mention most surprising, divine evaluation of human governments. Whereas most Christians in the world today believe that God’s preferred form of human government is a representative government; that is, government by the people and for the people, Nebuchadnezzar’s nightmarish image reveals that God’s most valued form of government is a despotism. Nebuchadnezzar was a despot. He exercised absolute authority over his realm and its subjects. The law was whatever Nebuchadnezzar said and commanded. No questions could be asked and no disobedience was allowed.
Contrary to popular opinion, Scripture teaches us that we the people are always wrong. Majority rule in this fallen world is always contrary to God’s will, since the majority of people in any land are living independent of God and at enmity with Him. God’s Word and will are intolerable to them and their wants, wishes and whims are their governing factors. 
In his famous book, The Prince, Machiavelli, who is credited with being the founder of modern political science, teaches that the worse form of human government is democracy. Machiavelli argued against democracy from a different perspective than the one stated above. Instead of arguing against democracy on the basis that the majority of the people in any country are sinful, Machiavelli argued against democracy on the basis that the majority of the people in any country are stupid. According to him, democracy is the worst form of government because it puts the control of the country in the hands of the majority of the people and the majority of the people in any country are stupid.
It was Winston Churchill who said, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” John F. Kennedy argued that “the ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” Did you know that to vote in America originally required you to pass a poll test, proving that you were informed enough to cast an informed ballot. Anyone failing the test was prohibited from voting. I wonder how many voters in America today would be given a ballot if they first had to prove themselves informed voters by passing a poll test?
God’s preferred form of government is not democracy, the rule of the majority, but theocracy, the rule of God. Despotism is preferred by God when the right man is on the throne—God’s Son Jesus Christ. When Christ returns to rule on the earth He will rule with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15). There will be no questions to His commands and no option but obedience. There will be no public opinion polls or ballot boxes. His Word will be law and the subjects of His kingdom will subjugate themselves to His Kingship and Lordship as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Don Walton