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Volume 1, Issue 43
28 May 2016

If a sure sign of the reprobate is the legitimizing of depravity, such as homosexuality, what does this say about our modern-day world? Is today’s world not proven reprobate by its legitimizing of homosexuality and legalizing of same-sex marriage? What other explanation is there apart from our deifying of ourselves and total disregard for God’s Word? Have we not, as the Apostle Paul warned, exchanged ourselves—“the creature”—for God—“the Creator, who is blessed forever” (Romans 1:25)?
As unpopular as it makes me to say it, I feel divinely duty-bound to proclaim that you and I are living in a reprobate world. I know today’s “itching ears” won’t be able to “endure [this biblically] sound doctrine,” but this doesn’t make it any less true (2 Timothy 4:3). The horrifying truth is: our world has begun its final descent into end-time depravity, within which “evil men will wax worse and worse” and “iniquity shall abound” (2 Timothy 3:13; Matthew 24:12). It is at our own peril that we shut our eyes to this end-time reality.
According to the Book of Revelation, the end-time world will be reprobate. It will be characterized by the “worship of the image of the beast” (Revelation 13:14-15; 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20). In other words, it will be populated by reprobates who worship and deify themselves.
In Revelation 13:18, the Scripture says, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” According to Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest, the correct translation of the Greek for “the number of a man” is actually “the number of man.” It is not to be understood as the number of an individual man, but of man in general, or as Wuest puts it, “the human race.”
The number of man and beast is six, since both were created on the sixth day. The number of God is three, since He is triune—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Therefore, 666 is symbolic of man’s usurpation of the place of God.
This is the beastly sin that tells the story of the tragic tale of fallen man. It was the beastly sin that got Lucifer thrown out of heaven and Adam and Eve thrown out of the Garden of Eden. It was the beastly sin that led to revolt in Heaven, a third of the angels revolting against God, as well as to revolt on earth, the human race revolting against God. And according to the Book of Revelation, it will be the beastly sin that serves as the spirit of the age in the end-time world.

Don Walton