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The Home of The Tweeted Bible

Spring Issue 2006
1 May 2006

For most of our history America understood the necessity of laws regulating immigration. The number of immigrants annually coming to our shores or crossing our borders had to be limited and controlled, lest our nation jeopardize its economy and compromise its security. Furthermore, to safeguard our country’s culture, which was deemed without apology to be superior to all others, Congress passed the "National Origins Act" of 1925. This legislation mandated that immigrant groups be allowed into the country according to the percentage of the general U.S. population they represented. In other words, if Norwegians only made up 1% of the U.S. population, then the percentage of annual immigrants made up by Norwegians could never exceed 1%.

Today, thanks to the myth of multiculturalism, any attempt to safeguard American culture by limiting the annual influx of other nationalities into our country is strictly condemned as racism. Moreover, what was once taken for granted in the immigration debate; namely, the expectation of all immigrants to assimilate themselves into our culture, is now resoundingly renounced as sheer bigotry. Thus, immigrants are no longer expected to assimilate themselves into our culture, but our country is expected to prove its tolerance by changing its culture to accommodate each immigrant. As a result of this politically correct nonsense, America has been transformed from a "melting pot"—a land in which different nationalities are dissolved into a united people forming a single nation—to a "salad bowl"—a land in which different nationalities are tossed together to vie for themselves against one another.

Although it is taboo to point out and extremely risky to one’s reputation to mention, sometimes it’s the immigrants, not the countries to which they immigrate, that are bigoted and intolerant. Many immigrants today despise and disdain the culture of their host country. As a result, they want nothing to do with their host country’s culture and have no intention of ever being assimilated into it. Instead, these intolerant immigrants insist upon forcing their culture, not to mention their language, religion, etc., down the throat of their new country. Any country that refuses to bend over backward to accommodate this fifth column in its midst does so at its own peril, as was proven last year by the riots in France. Remember, those French riots were perpetrated by more than a half million young Muslims who were outraged over France’s perceived failure to accommodate its Muslim immigrants.

Having opened its doors to a large influx of Muslim immigrants who don’t know nor care to learn the Marseillaise (French National Anthem), France has welcomed into its midst a fifth column that possesses neither regard for the French culture nor respect for the French people. Consequently, France must continue bending over backwards to appease its Muslim immigrants, lest they once again embroil the whole country in civic unrest by taking to the streets in another violent rampage.

What happened in France with its 5 million Muslim immigrants could easily happen in all of Europe, with its more than 20 million Muslim immigrants. For instance, arson attacks by Muslim immigrants have already occurred in Belgium and Germany. Muslim sites on the Internet frequently call upon Europe’s young Muslims to riot everywhere in the name of Islam. During last year’s riots in France, one Muslim website in England posted the following message: "Oh, you Muslim people of Europe, walk with and like your brothers in Paris and learn that these people are dogs. Teach them that we are a single nation and if a single member is touched, then all others will erupt like a burning volcano."

It is not just European countries that have imported intolerance, but also European offshoots like Canada, Australia and America. Here in the U.S., the number of mosques is growing expeditiously, and many of America’s mosques are connected to schools that teach separation from American culture and hatred of Christians and Jews. Granted, it is hard for us, having always believed in the "melting pot," to imagine immigration being used by our enemies to invade our land, but such is the deliberate and diabolical plot of some immigrants today. As one Muslim leader has boasted, "Thanks to your democratic laws, we shall invade you; and thanks to our religious laws, we shall dominate you."

Speaking on the subject of immigration, President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "America is not a polyglot boarding house." Although Roosevelt insisted that any immigrant coming here "in good faith" to become an American and to be assimilated into our culture should be welcomed and "treated on an exact equality with everyone else," he went on to add: "But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

I suppose Teddy Roosevelt turned over in his grave recently when hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants took to the streets of America holding Spanish placards, waving Mexican flags and chanting "Mexico! Mexico!" While it may not have been enough to raise old Teddy’s stone eyebrows on Mount Rushmore, the sight of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens unlawfully protesting all across our land, while at the same time pledging their allegiance to a foreign country, was certainly enough to raise the eyebrows of more than a few Americans, mine included. I mean it’s one thing for illegal immigrants to get into our country, but another thing all together when they start getting in our face.

To understand how something that was unimaginable in Teddy Roosevelt’s day has become a reality in ours we must go back to the mid-1960s. Although the number of immigrants fluctuated from time to time, America saw an average of about 250,000 immigrants a year up until 1965. In 1965, everything changed, thanks to Congress’ passing of the "Immigration Reform Act." This watershed piece of legislation resulted in a couple of earthshaking changes to American immigration.

The first thing that the "Immigration Reform Act" did was to quadruple the number of immigrants coming to our shores and crossing our borders. This, despite the assurance of Senator Ted Kennedy, one of the bill’s authors, that the level of immigration would remain substantially the same. The second thing that this critical piece of legislation accomplished was to forever change the face of American immigration. Since the passage of the "Immigration Reform Act" in 1965, 85% of all U.S. immigrants come from the Third World and more than 50% come from Spanish-speaking countries. Again, Senator Kennedy, who predicted that the legislation would not upset the ethnic mix of our country, was proven to be as bad a prophet as he is a senator.

While changes in our immigration laws have played a part in our country’s current immigration crisis, the real culprit has been our government’s failure to enforce our immigration laws. As Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo has suggested, "We don’t need any new laws" to solve our immigration crisis, we just need "to enforce the immigration laws that are already on the books."

When they are sworn into office, our elected officials swear an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States." By refusing to uphold the laws of our land, our elected officials are reneging upon their oath of office. This is not only a treasonous act on their part, but also ruinous to the rule of law and the future of our nation. If government officials disregard their oath of office and refuse to enforce our laws, then what is to prevent the outbreak of lawlessness in our land? What stands between America and anarchy?

We all watched with terror what unfolded in post-Katrina New Orleans once the absence of serious law enforcement was detected. According to Joseph Matthews, the director of New Orleans’ Office of Emergency Preparedness, New Orleans quickly "turned into a situation where the city [was] being run by thugs." What is to keep a similar frightening scenario from being played out all across America once "thugs" detect the absence of serious law enforcement on the part of our federal, state and local governments? Make no mistake about it, if such a thing happened citywide in New Orleans, it can happen nationwide in America.

It should come as no surprise to any of us that the number of illegal immigrants coming into our country now far exceeds the number of legal immigrants. With our immigration laws going unenforced and with illegal immigrants being given the same treatment and benefits as legal immigrants, illegal immigration has become the preferential way by which foreigners enter our country.

It is estimated that between 3,000 to 8,000 illegal immigrants enter our country everyday. It is further believed that there are 12 million illegal immigrants presently in America, although some dismiss this figure as far too conservative and place the actual number of illegal aliens upwards toward 20 million. One thing we know for sure, almost half of all illegal immigrants currently in America have come into this country during the presidency of George W. Bush.

According to the Center for immigration Studies, immigration now accounts for three-fourths of all U.S. population growth. When we take into account the fact that the vast majority of today’s immigrants are illegal, we are forced to face a most frightening reality; namely, the fastest growing segment of our population is made up of undocumented people who are in our country unlawfully and who have little if any regard for our laws. How, one cannot help but wonder, does this bode for the future of our nation.


Myth #1 – Illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans won’t do.


The truth is, illegal immigrants work for wages that Americans won’t work for. Greedy business owners who refuse to pay a living wage to their employees look to illegal immigrants for cheap labor. The less these lawbreaking business owners dole out for wages the more their pockets are padded with profits. Unfortunately, being taken advantage of by greedy American employers is better for illegal immigrants than being victimized by the corrupt governments of their former countries. Thus, illegal immigrants continue flooding into this country to do hard labor for low wages.


Politicians, whose campaigns depend upon donations from American business owners, are not about to do anything to offend those who make such generous contributions to their political coffers. Hence, we need not expect our elected officials to ever get serious about enforcing our immigration laws. There’s simply no way that our government is going to offend American business owners by deporting their cheap labor force or cracking down on those hiring illegal aliens.


Myth #2America is a nation of immigrants.


While America may be a nation of immigrants, it is not nor ever has been a nation of illegal immigrants. The key word here is “illegal.” I don’t know anyone that is against immigration. Illegal immigration, on the other hand, is a horse of a different color.


All true baseball fans are against steroids. They realize if steroids are not outlawed from the game then America’s favorite pastime will be no more. Baseball will be ruined. Likewise, one can be a big fan of immigration and still be a staunch opponent of illegal immigration, realizing that without laws controlling immigration our country will be no more. Our economy will be ruined, our national security compromised, our distinct culture forfeited, and our future imperiled.   


Myth #3 – It is unchristian to oppose illegal immigration.


While it is true that the Bible has much to say about the humane treatment of strangers in our land, these Scriptural admonitions, like all others, can only be properly interpreted in the light of context and other Scripture. As it is often said, “The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible.” When particular verses are pulled out of context and severed from all other Scripture the inevitable result is heresy. Cults are good examples of the inescapable consequences of such poor exegesis. Though they claim the Bible as their spiritual authority, they are guilty of twisting the Scripture “unto their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).


Many Christians make a blanket-application of every Scriptural admonition concerning the treatment of strangers to every foreigner in our land. By doing so, they paint themselves into many precarious corners. For instance, should Exodus 22:21—“But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you”—be applied to foreign Al Qaeda members who have snuck into our country to carryout terrorist attacks? Obviously, such an application of this admonition is not only unscriptural, but absurd; something made abundantly clear elsewhere in Scripture. For example, Nahum 3:13 warns us that our nation will be devoured by fire if “the gates of [our] land shall be set wide open unto [our] enemies.”


The strangers Scripture admonishes us to treat as our fellow citizens are those willing to be assimilated into our culture, not those antagonistic to it and determined to supplant it with their own (Leviticus 17:8-9; 24:16; Deuteronomy 5:14; Ezekiel 44:9). Contrary to the opinion of today’s multiculturalists, America is not obligated to change its culture, become multilingual, and renounce its Christian heritage in order to accommodate each and every immigrant crossing our borders or coming to our shores. Instead, it is the obligation of all immigrants to assimilate themselves to our culture, learn our language and respect our Christian heritage. Any who refuse to do so should be denied entrance into our land. 


No president of the United States ever articulated the Christian position on immigration better than Theodore Roosevelt. On January 3, 1919, Roosevelt said the following about immigration: “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."


Myth #4 – Illegal immigration is good for America’s economy.


According to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigration cost our country $10 billion a year. In actuality, the annual cost of illegal immigrant households to America is $26.3 billion; however, this figure is reduced to a $10 billion deficit once we factor in the $16 billion illegal immigrants pay in taxes. If, as much of Washington is now proposing, all illegal immigrants currently in America are granted amnesty, the Center for Immigration Studies predicts that the deficit these households cost our nation will almost triple to $29 billion, due to the fact that these families will have more access to government services without paying more in taxes.


Despite these frightening figures from the Center for Immigration Studies, the real price our nation pays for illegal immigration is much higher. For instance, the Bureau of Justice reports that 29% of America’s federal inmates are illegal immigrants who have been arrested, tried, sentenced, and imprisoned for crimes they’ve committed while living here unlawfully. Needless to say, the apprehension, prosecution, and incarceration of these foreign born criminals has strapped a huge financial burden to the back of our country’s criminal justice system.


George Borjas, a Harvard professor, estimates that illegal immigration costs today’s American workers $133 billion a year in wage depression and job loss. According to Mr. Borjas, 2.3 million American workers lost their jobs to illegal immigrants in 1996 alone. Of course, this figure has gone up since then, with anywhere from 3,000 to 8,000 illegal immigrants crossing our borders everyday.      


Myth #5America can’t deport 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants.


Deportation is a straw-man set up by illegal immigrants and their supporters to knock down all opposition to illegal immigration. If successful in convincing us of the impossibility of deporting 12 to 20 million people, illegal immigrants believe that they can force us to throw up our hands and surrender to their demands for amnesty and open borders. Unfortunately, this scarecrow appears to be scaring many into throwing in the towel and running up the white flag.


Conservative pundit George Will recently opined that the deportation of America’s illegal aliens would take “200,000 buses in a caravan stretching bumper-to-bumper from San Diego to Alaska.” Speaking to California’s Orange County Business Council, our president recently remarked, “Massive deportation of the people [illegal immigrants] here is unrealistic. It’s just not going to work.” Yet, contrary to Mr. Will’s and President Bush’s opinions, the solution to our immigration crisis is not deportation, but attrition.


In response to the President waving the white flag to illegal immigrants, Will Adams, a spokesman for Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, said, “No one is talking about mass deportations. Our approach is one of attrition where you make it difficult for an illegal alien to get a job in this country or to access our social services, so that over time, illegal aliens stop coming to this country and the ones already here go home.”


Wow, what a novel idea, our country actually enforcing its immigration laws to solve its immigration crisis. I wonder why our lawmakers never thought of that. If they had, they could have prevented our illegal immigration problem from occurring in the first place. Now, however, all they can do is attempt to solve what they should have prevented by doing what they should have done to start with.


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Don Walton