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19 Jun 2012


By: Don Walton

Something extraordinary has happened in America. Yet, like most earthshaking events today, the American people will fail to feel the slightest tremble beneath their feet. Having been dumbed down for decades to the lowest common denominator, namely, political correctness, Americans have become a docile people easily dictated to by public opinion.

The President of the United States has come out of his Oval Office closet in public support of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Now, no one should be surprised, despite Mr. Obama’s past political rhetoric, that he has always been a closeted supporter of the gay rights agenda. The shocking and incredible thing is the basis upon which our president has made this shrewd and unprecedented political calculation. Apparently, both he and his reelection team believe that America has finally come to the place and to a time when the majority of Americans no longer care about traditional marriage and family values.

One must admit, as painful as it may be to do so, that our president’s belief is not without foundation. For instance, a recent Pew Research Center study shows America’s changing attitudes on gay marriage. According to the study, for the fist time in our country's history more Americans favor the legalization of same-sex marriage than oppose it. Thus, our president does have reason to believe that his bid for reelection will be helped more than hurt by his public support of gay marriage. One thing for sure, such radical political stands will become common fare in America’s future as the older generation, the vast majority of which opposes same-sex marriage, passes off the scene and is replaced by today’s young amoralists, the majority of whom not only favor same-sex marriage, but eschew traditional marriage and family values. 

The Real Gay Agenda

Although the legalization of same-sex marriage is always couched in terms of civil rights and propagated under the ruse of equal rights, it really has nothing to do with either. Gays already have the same right to marry as everyone else. If a gay man wants to marry a woman he has every right to do so. Likewise, if a lesbian wants to marry a man she has every right to do so. Gays actually want nothing to do with marriage. Instead, they want marriage to be redefined to fit their sexual perversion. The question is why, especially in view of the fact that few homosexuals are monogamous.

The reason homosexuals are hellbent on enshrining same-sex marriage in law is to legitimize their sexual deviancy. They understand that legalizing their sexual immorality will subject all who refuse to attest to its legitimacy to civil suits for discrimination and even criminal prosecution for hate crimes. Thus, the popular refrain of the homosexual lobby—”Others have no right to force their morality on us”—is found to be nothing more than a diversion to distract our attention from what is really going on—homosexuals’ attempt to force their immorality on everyone.

  • Once same-sex marriage is enshrined in law, churches will be subject to civil suits or at risk of losing their tax exemption over refusing to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their facilities or homosexuals onto their membership rolls.
  • Once same-sex marriage is enshrined in law, employers will be subject to civil suits for refusing to hire homosexuals in their businesses.
  • Once same-sex marriage is enshrined in law, property owners will be subject to civil suits for refusing to rent or lease properties to homosexual couples. 
  • Once same-sex marriage is enshrined in law, school boards will be forced to teach our children the moral equivalency of homosexuality to heterosexuality in our public schools.
  • Once same-sex marriage is enshrined in law, Christian charities will be subject to civil suits for refusing to place children with homosexual couples. 

As if the financially ruinous sword of civil liability hanging over our heads will not be bad enough, there will also be the possibility of criminal prosecution once same-sex marriage is enshrined in law. If you think this is far fetched, then, consider the case of Dale McAlpine. McAlpine was arrested in Britain for preaching that “homosexuality is a crime against the Creator.” He was arrested under the British version of hate-crimes laws, which, among other things, criminalizes “offensive words.” 

The Final Nail in the Coffin of Traditional Marriage

For decades the decadent in our land have been determined to destroy both traditional marriage and the traditional family. It all started in the sixties with the sexual revolution. Whereas past propriety restricted sex to the sanctity of a lifelong and loving marital relationship, which alone provides for the proper propagation of the human race and the proper upbringing of well-balanced children, the sexual revolution reduced sex to something casual. 

Sex no longer had anything to do with love and commitment, only lust and consent. It became a mere matter of using one another for each other’s momentary sensual pleasure. As a result, America became ravaged with sexually transmitted diseases and rife with teenage pregnancies. Today, for the first time in American history, the majority of babies born in this country are born out of wedlock.

On the heels of the sexual revolution came “no-fault” divorce laws, which reduced marriage from a lifetime commitment to an easily broken civil contract. Whereas divorce once required proof of wrongdoing—cruelty, adultery or abandonment—it can now be legally obtained for any reason,  or even no reason at all. As a result, most modern-day marriages end in divorce.

Of course, one has to understand when studying the modern-day divorce rate that ever-increasing numbers of Americans are choosing cohabitation over marriage. For instance, in 1960, two-thirds (68%) of all twenty-somethings were married. In 2008, just 26% were married. Likewise, 70% of Americans were married in 1960, but only about 50% are married today. 

When asked about the importance of marriage, the God ordained institution of all orderly society, almost half of today’s Americans say it is obsolete. It is this reducing of marriage in the minds of modern-day Americans that is primarily to blame for the demise of American society. How can society keep from collapsing once you pull the God ordained bedrock out from under it?

Perhaps, it is the fib of women’s lib that is most culpable for the reduction of marriage in the American mind to something antiquated. The feminist movement’s attack on men, in particularly on the role of fathers in the home and of men in society, as well as its attack on motherhood, especially stay-at-home moms, has spawned a plethora of modern-day atrocities. For instance, thanks in no small part to the feminist movement, America’s hands are now stained with the blood of 50 million aborted children.  In addition to this, our nation has been flooded with fatherless homes that have swelled welfare rolls and entitlement programs to the point of bankrupting the federal government, not to mention state governments as well.

The legalization of same-sex marriage will prove to be the final nail in the coffin of traditional marriage. Once this pebble is cast into the pond the ripples in our society will never stop. Marriage will be perpetually subject to redefinition in order to accommodate all sexual perversions. Lawmakers and judges will be incapable of prohibiting two marriages for bisexuals, multiple marriages for polygamists, or the marrying of minors to pedophiles without undermining their justification for the legalization of same-sex marriage, arguing against themselves, and ignoring their own legal precedent.

Without doubt, stretching the definition of marriage to encompass gay unions on the false premise of anti-discrimination will inevitably lead to redefining marriage to the lowest common denominator. Marriage will be defined down until it is all-inclusive, nondescript, offensive to no one and agreeable to everyone. In other words, marriage will be reduced to meaninglessness and our society to madness.   

If our president’s belief about our country is proven right by his reelection next November, then, listen carefully for the bell to toll for America. The America that we have known and loved will be no more. We will have ceased to be a God-fearing nation and will have become a godless one. We will be proven to be a nation that has turned from God and become so obstinate and stiff-necked in our rebellion against Him that we have passed the point of no return. We will be reprobate and unredeemable, as will be proven by our legalizing and legitimizing of homosexuality, which the Scripture says is a sure sign of reprobation (Romans 1:24-32).

Don Walton