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15 May 2012


It's looking like America's only real choice for president this coming November will be between the ink blot and the Etch A Sketch. First, there's the ink blot. In the best description I've ever heard of our current president, Don Terry, a writer for the Chicago Tribune, once described him as "a Rorschach test." According to Terry, when it comes to Obama, what people see is what they want to see.

Although Barack Obama is seen as our first African American president, he is really biracial, as much white as he is black. Although he is seen as a Christian, he denies the cardinal doctrines of the historic and orthodox Christian faith. Although he is seen as someone fighting for the health and well-being of our nation’s children, he opposed legislation to outlaw “live-birth abortions”—the practice of abandoning newborn survivors of botched abortions until they die. Although he is seen as the tribune of the people, he tyrannically forced “Obama Care” down our throats without regard to public opinion. And, as The Economist magazine points out, although he is seen as a “miracle-working, aisle-jumping, consensus-seeking new breed of politician,” there is no “evidence” or “visible sign” of him ever “rocking the Democratic boat.”

I believe what America sees when it looks at our current president proves our country has lost its mind. After all, the definition of insanity is the inability to distinguish fantasy from reality. What Americans see in Obama is a figment of the nation’s collective imagination; it is something far removed from reality. The real Barack Obama doesn’t even resemble what he is imagined to be.

Our only other real choice for president come November will probably be Mitt Romney. In an attempt to explain Mr. Romney’s straddling of both sides of political issues and profession of personal principals from both sides of his mouth, Eric Fehrnstrom, a senior political adviser to the Romney campaign, compared the candidate to a Etch A Sketch. Fehrnstrom explained how Mr. Romney is currently etching out conservative stands on political issues in order to win over conservative voters during the primaries. He then went on to explain that once the nomination is secured Mr. Romney will “shake it up” and start etching out more moderate stands on political issues in order to win over moderate voters during the general election.

These Etch A Sketch candidates are nothing new from the Republican party. The GOP (Grand Old Party) has been turning the knobs and etching out picture perfect candidates for years, only to “shake them up” and redraw them once in office. Although their candidates vow to take courageous stands on critical issues, their incumbents cow to toe the party line, regardless of the dire consequences to our nation. Time after time we go to the polls and mark our ballots for etched out nominees only to discover afterward a “shaken up” and blank slate of candidates.

I don’t know about you, but I’ll not be going to the polling place come November. I’ll stay home in my prayer closet, in spite of my suspicion that we don’t have a prayer. One thing for sure, we don’t have a candidate, only an ink blot and Etch A Sketch.

Don Walton