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The Home of The Tweeted Bible

14 Dec 2011


Many today are replacing the infallible truth of Scripture with the perceived infallibility of what is falsely called science (1 Timothy 6:12). For instance, theistic evolutionists or creation evolutionists try to marry Scripture with so-called science by interpreting Scripture figuratively and scientific theory factually. They contend that the Genesis account of creation is figurative, not literal, that Adam and Eve were not real people, and that evolution is the process by which God created the world. This fanciful approach to Scripture, designed to make Scripture more palatable to a Scripturespurning world, has earned these compromising Christians the oxymoronic label of “Christian Darwinists.”


Paul warned us of “scientific” deception, as well as a coming time when men would not endure sound doctrine—the teaching of the Bible—but seek out for themselves teachers who only say what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3-4). That the end time falling away or apostasy predicted by the Apostle Paul; see 2 Thessalonians 2:3, is occurring in our day is clearly seen by the fact that so many within the church are now willing to compromise the Scripture in an attempt to sidestep the world’s scorn and persecution. This fancy footwork is being performed by all within today’s church who try to balance a Bible on their head while giving a favorable nod to today’s universally accepted so-called science. 


That evolution is a fable, one of those end time “fables” that Paul predicted the end time world would flock to, is easily seen by any sensible person. No sane nor reasonable person could possibly believe that: (1) Everything came from nothing (2) Life came from something that was not alive (3) Reason came from something incapable of reasoning (4) An intricately designed universe has no intelligent Designer (5) Everything in the world today, including you, me and a head of cabbage, came from a single cell that floated up on a slimy beach eons ago (6) Man evolved from the monkey, despite the fact that we still have monkeys (7) Fish evolved lungs without drowning or going extinct flopping around on the dry ground (8) Science has proven a cockamamie theory that contradicts its own laws of Cause and Effect and Thermodynamics, and (9) Evolution is a proven fact in spite of the fact that its missing link is still missing.


Now, some within the modern-day church may insist that by inserting God into this cockamamie theory it is stripped of its absurdity and transformed into something compatible with our Christian faith. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth! What we actually do with such spiritual slight of hand tricks is deny the truthfulness of the Word of God in order to join league with a world at enmity with God.


All who perpetrate such a crime against Scripture by compromising it in an attempt to make it more palatable to the world are really undermining the Scripture to men whose salvation depends upon their belief in it. After all, if men are told by those within the church that the Genesis account of creation is mythical rather than factual, what is to prevent men from believing that the rest of the Scripture is as well. For instance, what’s to prevent them from concluding that Paul’s epistles are merely his opinion or that the Ten Commandments were just Moses’ idea? Furthermore, what’s to prevent them from concluding that the story of Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead is nothing more than a mythical tale, without any basis in fact? If the first Adam didn’t really exist, then, whose to say that the second Adam really did ( 2 Corinthians 15:45-49)?


The Bible is either true or false. You must either believe it or discard it. No one gets to pick and choose what parts to believe and what parts not to believe. Once one starts whittling away at the Scripture, like Judah’s ancient King Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 36:21-23), there is no stopping until the whole Bible lies on the hearth. Unlike the world, which insists that the truthfulness of the Bible be confirmed by modernday science, the church should insist that the truthfulness of modern-day science be confirmed by the Bible.


One final point must be made in light of today’s manifold attacks upon the Scripture, both inside and outside of the church. According to the Apostle Paul, the reason men refuse to acknowledge the truth of God is sin, not science (Romans 1:18). Men do not suppress the truth of God because of their scholarship and brilliance, but because of their wickedness. It is not brilliant minds that turn men into evolutionists, but dark hearts (Romans 1:21).


Dark-hearted men are at such enmity with God that they will resort to anything, no matter how foul or foolish, to keep from accepting and acknowledging the truth of God. This truth was clearly illustrated in Ben Stein’s film documentary, ”Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.” At the conclusion of the film, Stein interviews the world renowned scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins. During the interview, Dawkins, the author of the book The God Delusionclaims to be 99 percent certain that there is no God. When pressed by Stein on the 1 percent possibility he leaves open for God’s existence, an irritated Dawkins recoils by insisting that even if Intelligent Design is ever proven it will not prove the existence of God, but of a highly evolved extraterrestrial who came to earth and seeded life on our planet.


Dawkins willingness to believe in the possibility of little green men from Mars, coupled with his unwillingness to believe in the Godman from Heaven, is proof positive of all that Paul wrote in the first chapter of Romans. It’s not the genius of Dawkins’ brilliant mind that causes him to reject Jesus Christ; instead, it’s the darkness of a heart at enmity with God. This alone explains why this so-called brilliant scientist vows that no matter what scientific evidence ever says he’ll never say that “Jesus is Lord.” Unfortunately for Dawkins, he’ll be as unable to carry out this vow as he is to prove that creation has no Creator (Philippians 2:9-11).

Don Walton