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7 Sep 2011

History shows that every society that has ever condoned homosexuality has shortly thereafter been swept into the dustbin of oblivion. Now, you can begin casting aspersions on me until I’m covered in a mound of verbiage like “bigot,” “homophobe” and “hatemonger.” Still, as John Adams once said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Truth is immutable! It cannot be changed by personal sentiment or public opinion. Although a recent Gallup Poll showed something unprecedented; namely, a majority of Americans (53%) now favoring the legalization of same-sex marriage, the truth about this issue remains unaltered. It may be, as the truth always is in this truth-hating world, unpopular, but it is still the truth nonetheless. Those who hold to the truth may be in the minority and those who spurn it in the majority, but this doesn’t make the minority any less right nor the majority any less wrong.

If we are to part with past generations by learning from history rather than repeating it, then, we must realize that the Empire State’s recent legalization of same-sex marriage moves our country one step closer to the dustbin of history. As the sixth state to legalize same-sex marriage—Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont being the other five—New York is the largest by far. In fact, when the state’s law goes into effect in late July, the number of Americans living in a jurisdiction where same-sex marriages are state sanctioned will double.

When you add to the above, all of the other states already in the crosshairs of the gay rights movement, such as: (1) Maryland and Rhode Island, where same-sex marriages performed in other states are already recognized, (2) Maine and Oregon, where passed legislation to legalize same-sex marriage was eventually overturned by voters at the polls, and (3) Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, states with legislatures that are gay-friendly and controlled by Democrats, it is hard to see how this same-sex “snowball” doesn’t keep rolling across the fruited plain.

Granted, some people, like Brian S. Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, take great solace in the fact that so far traditional marriage has “won every single vote of the people on the marriage issue.” As a result, twenty-nine states have constitutional bans on same-sex marriage and twelve others have laws against it. However, as the recent Gallup Poll revealed, the shifting sentiment in favor of same-sex marriage is attributable to its strong support among young Americans and the dying off of its elderly opposition. This, my friend, does not bode well for the future of our country. Instead, it serves, I’m afraid, as more handwriting on the wall.

When it comes to foreboding factors forecasting a bleak future for our country, none have proven more  axiomatic to me than the story of the behind the scenes making of New York’s same-sex marriage legislation. Now, I know that the naive in this nation still believe that “Mr. Smith” goes to Washington; that is, that all of our elected officials are virtuous men and women conscientiously committed to public service for the good of the populace. However, such naivety blinds one to the fact that the vast majority of those in public office today are really unscrupulous, conscienceless, and self-serving.

Positive proof of the above may be easily ascertained by an honest look at the passage of Obama Care. The passage of this earth-shaking legislation necessitated many a back room deal and political bribe. In the end, it had little, if anything, to do with our elected representatives representing us and our best interests. Instead, it was all about them looking out for themselves, their political careers and their particular political party.

Sausage lovers are warned not to ever watch the sausage made, lest they lose their appetite for sausage altogether. Likewise, the American populace should never watch the making of modern-day legislation, lest they be sickened by the process and lose their appetite for politics altogether. Although New York legislators emerged from their back rooms to pat themselves on the back publicly for their principled passage of same-sex marriage legislation, what went on behind the scenes tells a far different story. It is a story within which personal interest and political expediency, not principle, played the major parts.

Let’s begin by showing the poison that Republican Kool-Aid drinkers have been unknowingly swirling down for years. A vote on legalizing same-sex marriage could have been kept from ever coming to the floor by New York’s Republican controlled state senate. Furthermore, it could have never passed without Republican support. In addition, much of the $3 million spent by gay rights advocates on a radio and television campaign prior to the vote was solicited by New York’s Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo from wealthy Republican donors, one of whom was sympathetic toward the cause because of his gay son.

After the vote, Ken Mehlman, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, celebrated the fact that “there is an important change going on among Republicans and conservatives.” According to Mehlman, Republicans are coming to the conclusion “that freedom to marry is consistent with conservative values.” Interestingly, Mr. Mehlman came out of the closet and confessed himself to be a homosexual after his tenure at the helm of the Republican National Committee. To believe that this was unknown during Mehlman’s tenure by the higher-ups of the Republican party requires the adding of an extra bag of Kool-Aid to the pitcher.

A Republican state senator from Buffalo, Mark J. Grisanti, promised voters while campaigning for office that if elected he would oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage. Yet, when the vote was taken, he did the opposite of what he had promised, voting for the legislation rather than against it. Although he did apologize for betraying his constituency, he explained that he was forced to vote the way he did by his conscience. Apparently, Grisanti, like most politicians today, has no bout with conscience over failing to keep his word, but only over things like failing to represent the gay rights agenda rather than the convictions of his constituents.

To assure the muffling of all opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage, two-minute restrictions on all speeches were set during debate on the bill. The lone lawmaker who rose to speak in opposition to the bill, Ruben Diaz Sr., who is not a Republican, but the only Democratic senator to cast a no vote, was repeatedly interrupted by the presiding officer. Though Diaz did manage to make his point—”God, not Albany, has settled the definition of marriage, a long time ago”—he was forced to shout it out over the presiding officer’s incessant interruptions.

Without a doubt, the standard barrier for the gay rights movement in the passage of this legislation was none other than New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The governor promised lawmakers, “I can help you.” In dozens of private calls and secret meetings the governor promised lawmakers that he would deploy his record-high popularity on their behalf in future elections in exchange for their support of same-sex marriage. In a tell-tale sign of the true nature of modern-day politics, Cuomo assured lawmakers, “I am more of an asset than the vote will be a liability.” What better evidence could we ask for than this to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that present-day politicians weigh out their votes according to political expediency rather than principle?

When it comes to Governor Cuomo, his girlfriend, Sandra Lee, who lives with him in the governor’s mansion, is reported to have frequently spurred him on in his efforts to legalize same-sex marriage. This legislation, by her own admission, was dear to her heart because of her affections for an openly gay brother. And I thought elected officials were only supposed to be influenced by what is right and best for our country, not by the sentiments of a live-in girlfriend spawned by sympathy for her sibling’s sexual perversion.

In another glaring example of a nearsighted New York politician who lost all sight of what was best for our country due to his inability to see beyond his own personal situation, Carl Kruger, a Democrat from Brooklyn, is reported to have voted for the legislation simply to appease his live-in girlfriend. Mr. Kruger’s girlfriend, Dorothy Turano, was furious with him over the fact that his opposition to same-sex marriage had resulted in her gay nephew cutting off all contact with them both.

According to Kruger, the turning point for him came when Democratic Senator John Sampson advised him to focus on Ms. Turano’s nephew. “When everything else is gone,” Samson told Kruger, “all you have left is family.” Thus, Kruger acquiesced, telling Sampson: “I don’t need this. It has gotten personal now.”

I don’t know about you, but it sounds to me like live-in girlfriends and their gay brothers and nephews are steering New York’s ship of state. In light of this, one can’t help but come to the conclusion that the sexually immoral sit in the catbird seat in today’s America, while all proponents of traditional values are left as the odd man out! How does this bode for the future of our nation?

I suppose ignorance really is bliss. If you stick your head in the sand of today’s America, you can still believe in the American dream, but if you dare to lift your head and look around at what is really going on, you will quickly realize that the American dream has become a nightmare while we slept. One thing for sure, looking too closely at the making of modern-day legislation will turn you against Kool-Aid and leave you with little hope that this house of cards can stand much longer!

Don Walton