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The Home of The Tweeted Bible

6 Jun 2011


Wherever I go today there are people who appear convinced that Islam will be the biblically predicted one world religion at the end of time. Furthermore, many believe that the antichrist—the supposed world ruler at the end of time—will also be a Muslim. In this article, we will explore this possibility from a biblical perspective.


One group that definitely agrees, at least in part, with the above hypothesis is the Shiite Muslims of our world. Although they believe that Islam will conquer the world, they would take strong offense at and spirited exception to any notion that their long awaited Mahdi (messiah), who they believe will lead Muslims to world conquest, is the biblically predicted antichrist.


The Shiite Muslims of our world are looking for the 12th Imam—the Mahdi or Muslim messiah. They believe that when he comes, he will lead them to bring the whole world to its knees in submission to Allah, the god of the Muslims. Many, such as Iran’s current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejah, believe that the chief obstacle preventing the Mahdi from coming today is the Zionist State of Israel. Therefore, when Mahmoud “I’m-a-nut-job” promises to “wipe Israel off the map” as soon as he acquires a nuclear weapon, he’s not kidding.


The Iranian president actually believes that it is his religious duty to destroy Israel in order to prepare the way for his messiah. In addition, he sees nuclear warfare as the ultimate suicide bombing. If you doubt this, just listen to his response to a recent question posed to him by a reporter. When the reporter asked, don’t you understand that an Iranian nuclear strike on Israel would result in an Israeli retaliatory strike against Iran, ole “Mad Hatter” Mahmoud answered, “What do we care? We’ll be in paradise and they’ll be in Hell.”


In Islam, the only guarantee of paradise is to die for Allah in jihad or holy war. Obviously, Ahmadinejah believes dying in a nuclear exchange with Israel assures him and his countrymen of admittance into the Martyr’s House. According to the Prophet Mohammed, the Martyr’s House is the best house in paradise. It is made of palaces of pearl and mansions of crystal, sapphire and diamonds. In each mansion there are 70 houses. In each house there are 70 rooms. In each room there is a table with 70 different kinds of food and a bed with 70 sheets of different colors. And on each sheet is a virgin waiting to have sex with the jihad martyr forever.


Do you remember our policy of deterrence during the Cold War. It was called MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction). We knew, as did the Soviets, that a nuclear strike by either of us would result in the nuclear annihilation of both of us. Thus, we stood toe to toe all of those years without our world ever being enveloped in a giant mushroom cloud. The Soviets might have been our enemies, but at least they were sane. The Shiites, on the other hand, are crazy. As the Apostle Paul predicted, these are most “perilous times” in which we live (2 Timothy 3:1).


Although I make no claim of infallibility and have a long record to prove why, in my humble opinion, Islam has no more chance of taking our world than Frosty the Snowman does of conquering Hell. 


Islamic countries are for the most part Third World countries. They are impoverished and primitive. The few that are not, would be, for the most part, if it were not for oil revenue (Saudi Arabia), the drug trade (Afghanistan, which grows 92% of the world’s opium) and tourism (Egypt).


Islamic lands that are ruled by Sharia Law are anything but progressive; indeed, they are most oppressive. Other religions are severely persecuted. For instance, two-thirds of Iraq’s Christians have fled the country for their lives, in spite of the continuing presence of US troops on Iraqi soil.


Both women and minorities are oppressed in Islamic countries. For example, women can neither appear in public unveiled or drive an automobile in Saudi Arabia, and in some Islamic countries, like Sudan, the institution of slavery is still practiced.


According to Mohammedan Law, homosexuality is a capital offense. To come out of the closet in an Islamic country means to be taken to the execution block, which explains why Mahmoud Ahmadinejah recently claimed at Columbia University that there are no gays in Iran.


To believe that such a primitive and oppressive faith is to be globally group-hugged by today’s politically correct world is truly untenable. Furthermore, to belief that Islam’s Third World countries are going to conquer the mighty industrial and military powers of our day is about as feasible as an ant whipping an elephant. It’s just not going to happen. It makes for good book sells by today’s prophecy wonks, but it’s incompatible, in my opinion, with Bible prophecy.


You may be wondering by now how I can reconcile my opinion with the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. It's really quite simple. Islam repackages itself for sell in the West. The Islam practiced in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia won't sell in Peoria, Illinois. Therefore, it must be repackaged for sell in America, especially when it comes to selling it in the African American community.


Although Islam is growing quite phenomenally on America's university and college campuses, which explains the explosive growth of Islamic Studies Departments and Muslim student organizations, it is growing most expeditiously in the African American community. Almost half of our nation's 6 million Muslims are African Americans. Whereas two-thirds (68%) of all Muslim converts in America are male, just under two-thirds (63%) are African Americans.


Nowhere is Islam's growth among African Americans more pronounced than in America's penal system, where more than 15% of the present inmate population professes to be Muslim. One of the chief architects of our prison system's Muslim chaplaincy program, Abduraham Alamoudi, is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence himself. Alamoudi was found guilty of running thousands of dollars through Muslim charities to terrorist organizations, which included $160,000 to a group implicated in al-Qaida's foiled 2000 Millennium plot to blow up the Los Angeles International Airport and Seattle's Space Needle.


The pitch to African American prisoners by Muslim chaplains begins with a lie. The prisoner is told that Islam is the black man's religion and that the Prophet Mohammed was a black man. The truth, however, is that Mohammed was an Arab. According to Mohammed, non-Arabs are inferior to Arabs, who alone "are the best of peoples." Furthermore, Islam's prophet taught that Arabs were to be loved by everyone, "because [he was] an Arab, the Koran is in Arabic, and the language of paradise is Arabic."


Mohammed called blacks "raisin heads" and "pug-nosed slaves." He himself was a slave owner who justified slavery and taught that the numerous slaves he owned were a sign of Allah's special dispensation. Among Mohammed's many slaves were Christians, Jews and blacks, one of whom he nicknamed "Ship." Anytime this poor black slave of Islam's prophet complained about an unbearable load that he was being forced to carry, his master would callously reply, "You can carry anything. You are a ship."


Following the initial deception of the Muslim chaplain's pitch; namely, painting Islam black so as to peddle it in our penal system among African Americans, the chaplain then proceeds to baselessly blame the oppression of all minorities on the "evil" Jews and Christians. He then assures the African American inmate, who may already view himself as a victim of institutional racism, that the yoke of these two great oppressors is soon to be broken by Islam's extraordinary rise in the world.


According to Islam's fifth columnists—Muslim clerics given free access to American convicts, thanks to our prison system's chaplancy program—the Muslim religion and its enlisted Mujahideen are destined to destroy the "little Satan" (the Zionist State of Israel) and the "great Satan" (the Christian championing America). Once the yoke of these two great oppressors is broken by Islam, an oppression-free era will be ushered in upon the earth. At this point of the pitch, all that remains for the Muslim chaplain to do is enlist the already embittered inmate in Islam's jihad or holy war.


Make no mistake about it; the fuel that fires Islam’s growth in the world today is anger. Whether it’s the anger of African Americans over institutional racism, the anger of Palestinians over Jewish occupation, the anger of Osama bin Laden over American troops on Saudi soil, the anger of Sunnis and Shiites against each other, or the anger of both against the Kurds, it is the rage of the Muslim religion that makes it all the rage among those ticked off over every real or perceived injustice in the world today.


Whereas the Bible teaches that “the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God” (James 1:20), Islam’s god is dependent upon “the wrath of man” to win over converts to himself. The Muslim religion did not come by the name “The Religion of the Sword” accidently. It got it, as the old Smith Barney commercials used to say, “the old fashioned way”; it earned it!


Dividing the whole world into “Dar al-Islam” (the House of Islam) and “Dar al-Harb” (the House of War), Islam, which means “submission,” teaches that Muslims, which means “submitted ones,” are to war with all non-Mulsms until the whole world is brought into submission. This war, fought by Muslims to bring the rest of the world to its knees before Allah, the god of Islam, is called “jihad” or “holy war.” This explains why the Koran, the Muslim’s bible, contains 123 references to fighting and killing for the cause of Allah.

In our world today, mujahideen or jihadists—Muslims who are furious over our refusal to embrace their religion and committed to fighting us until we’re all forced to our knees before their god—are commonly labeled “extremists” who have “hijacked” an otherwise “peaceful religion.” The truth, however, is that they are the only true adherents to the Religion of the Sword and the only modern-day followers of the Prophet Mohammed, who claimed that jihad was his mission in life and the greatest service his followers could possibly render to his god.


All other modern-day professors of the Muslim religion are moderate at best and mere masqueraders at worst. Granted, their moderation or masquerade may be a result of ignorance, but this should come as no surprise to us in these days of dumbed down religion. After all, how many people in our world today claim to be Christian without a clue of what Christianity is all about? The fact that folks today are ignorant of the very religions that they profess is an unmistakable mark of our times. It is a common occurrence. Far from being the exception, it is now the rule.


Do you remember our president’s explanation of why small town America tends to turn to God and guns? According to him, it’s because small town Americans are “bitter” or mad. Although President Obama was condemned by Christians and conservatives for making such an insulting comment, his comment was actually based on the sum of his experiential knowledge of religion.


Having grown up in Indonesia, the nation boasting our world’s largest Muslim population, as well as in the home of a Muslim step-father, our president’s formative years were spent under the mournful cries of the Muslim muezzin. In Indonesia, the young Barack Obama attended the local mosque, was enrolled in a Muslim school and even admits that he got in trouble for “making faces during Koranic studies.” Of course, we can scarcely blame our president for making faces at the manifold abominations and absurdities of the Koran; such as, “Kill [Jews] wherever you find them.”


At the age of ten, our president returned to the states to finish his formative years under the guardianship of his white, maternal grandparents in Hawaii. From early adolescence all the way through his college days, President Obama appears to have had no real religious convictions at all. This all changed, however, when he became a community organizer with Acorn in Chicago, Illinois.


Having never been raised in an African American home nor in the African American community, Barack Obama had little understanding of the important role that the church plays in the black neighborhood. Being counseled by Chicago’s black clergymen that he had no chance of success as a community organizer unless he joined one of the city’s African American churches, Barack Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ, which at the time carried the distinction of being the largest church in the most liberal mainline denomination in America.


Our president’s former church touted itself as being, “Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian.” To become a member, the president and the First Lady were required to adopt the church’s “Black Value System,” which required them to fight the white racist system by denouncing “middleclassness.” In addition, at the time of the Obamas’ membership, the church’s website claimed no allegiance to America, but boldly proclaimed, “We are an African people, who remain true to our native land, the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.”


Although political expediency forced President Obama to thrown his former pastor under the bus, his long standing relationship with the colorful and controversial Jeremiah Wright cannot be denied. Rev. Wright has been credited by Mr. Obama for converting him from religious skepticism to Christianity, which explains why our current president used to refer to his former pastor as his “spiritual adviser” and “spiritual father.” It was the good reverend, Jeremiah Wright, who performed Barack and Michelle Obama’s wedding ceremony, who baptized their two daughters, and who dedicated their house in Chicago.


According to Barack Obama, the title of his second best-selling book, The Audacity of Hope, was lifted from a sermon preached by Pastor Wright. It was during this sermon by his pastor that Barack Obama professes to have had an epiphany. For the first time, the black liberation theology preached by Rev. Wright began to dawn on him, resulting in him coming to understand that the story of the Bible was really the story of black people.


As any Christian knows, the story of the Bible is the story of Jesus. It is for all people; red and yellow, black and white. Yet, according to the Afrocentric theology of our president’s former church and pastor, the story of the Bible should be interpreted as the story of the struggles of black people, who alone, thanks to the indecencies of slavery and segregation, are best equipped to understand the Scriptures.


Supposedly, our president, who admits to once relying upon his former pastor for all of his spiritual advice, was totally ignorant of Rev. Wright’s friendship with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, a black supremist cult that believes white people are devils created from a germ, as well as less than fully developed human beings. The two, Farrakhan and Wright, made a trip together in 1984 to visit Libyan strongman Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who was not only a sworn enemy of America, but also a well-known supporter of international terrorism.


Not only does our president claim to be unaware of his former pastor’s unholy alliances, but he also claims to have never been in the congregation when Jeremiah Wright used his pulpit to go on one of his frequent tirades against the “United States of White America.” For example, Rev. Wright characterized 9/11 “as America’s chickens coming home to roost” and as a “wake-up call” to “White America” that “people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just disappeared as the great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.” By now, you’ve probably seen what our president claims to have missed, Rev. Wright crying out from his Chicago pulpit for God to damn, not bless, America!


There’s one thing for sure; our president’s former church and clergyman, just like the religion of his childhood, were fueled by rage. Therefore, when Barack Obama attributes people’s turning to God and guns to the anger in small town America, he is actually voicing the only motive he has ever known behind religious convictions. Whether it was Islam in Indonesia or the Afrocentric theology espoused by his former church and preached by his former pastor in Chicago, Barack Obama has never known religion apart from rage.


Some have dubbed the day in which we live as “The Age of Rage.” Everywhere we look today people are mad. It makes no difference if we are talking about Muslims, minorities, gays, feminists, liberals or conservatives, the one common denominator between them is rage. Everybody is ticked off. What better climate could there be for the growth of a religion like Islam that feeds itself off the “wrath of man” (James 1:20)? All of this reminds me of the portrait of the end times painted on the canvass of Revelation 12:12 by the hand of divine inspiration: “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”


For proof that Islam’s phenomenal growth in the world is attributable to anger, all one has to do is look to the present protests that have broken out all over the Islamic world. For instance, the New York Times recently reported that Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based Arab satellite channel, is “seizing [the] moment,” by tapping into “Arab anger.” According to the Times, Al Jazeera has “been widely hailed for helping enable the revolt in Tunisia,” thanks to its shaping of “a narrative of popular rage against oppressive American-backed Arab governments.” “That narrative,” the Times exclaims, “has long been implicit in the channel’s heavy emphasis on Arab suffering and political crisis,” which the channel purposely intends to be used as fuel for the fire of Muslim fury against the West.


Al Jazeera, the Muslim equivalent of the Soviet Pravda, has tailored its coverage to garner support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. It has even been accused by the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, of favoring Hamas in its coverage, as well as “inciting violence and trying to destroy him politically.” This explains why Abbas loyalists attacked the office of Al Jazeera in Ramallah.


Yet, despite its history of fueling the fire of Muslim outrage against pro-American, Middle Eastern governments, Al Jazeera is doing little to stoke the fires currently burning out of control in Egypt. As a result, many Egyptians are feeling betrayed. Facebook and Twitter are all a twitter with rumors of a secret deal between Qatar and Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian dictator. Regardless of whether or not Al Jazeera ever tosses some journalistic “Molotov cocktails” into Egypt, Hosni Mubarak’s days are numbered, as is proven by the wildfire of Muslim rage now engulfing the land of the pyramids and even spilling over into other Muslim countries like Yemen.


What we’re hearing from the Middle East today is the same old broken record that has lulled the world to sleep for years. It is the same repeated story; the story of outrage in the Muslim street, corrupt governments in the Muslim world, and American complicity and stupidity at its worst. As proof of the latter consider the following, the Obama Administration is now reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is climbing into the driver’s seat of the Egyptian protest movement. Fearful of the Muslim Brotherhood’s future influence in Egypt, we’ve decided, as we once did during the Shan of Iran’s ouster by the Ayatollah Khomeini, to climb into bed with terrorists. Permit me to be the first to say that I’m sure our cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood will work as well for us as cozying up to the Ayatollah did. After all, remember that it was the Shiites under the Ayatollah that brought us the modern-day jihad martyr.


A couple of additional points deserve to be mentioned here. First, the first presidential interview ever offered by Barack Obama was to an Al Arabiya, an Arabic satellite television network like Al Jazeera. Second, our president’s handpicked former Muslim Outreach Coodinator, Mazen Asbahi, was recently forced to resign once it was learned that he was “a frequent speaker before several groups in the U.S. that scholars have associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.” What is it that they say about repeating the past if you never learn from it?


As I’ve shared before, I’m personally convinced that democratic socialism, not Islam, will usher in the biblically predicted one world government and religion of the end time. The same democratic socialism that is ruining America by imposing multiculturalism upon us will eventually prove to be the ruin of Islam by imposing ecumenism upon Muslims. The true movement sweeping the globe today is globalism; that is, democratic socialism and its global aspirations. God pity all who stand in its way. Even the most radical Islamist is no match for this beastly evil that is soon to tread the whole earth under its iron heel.


As we have already stated in this article: “Islam has no more chance of taking our world than Frosty the Snowman does of conquering Hell.” All who suggest that Islam will prove to be the end time religion and that a Muslim will eventually ascend to be the ruler of the end time world are propagating an untenable proposition.


The very thought that such a primitive and oppressive faith will soon be group-hugged by today’s politically correct world is absurd on its face. Equally absurd is the notion that a few terrorists who are afraid to use a cell phone in their cave hideouts in Afghanistan are going to orchestrate the conquest of the world’s major industrial and military powers by the Third World countries of the Islamic world.


Apart from advancing a totally untenable theory, those suggesting the Islamic conquest of the end time world also don’t have scriptural leg to stand on. For instance, consider the following:


(1) According to the Bible, the antichrist will be a diplomat who wins the world by intrigue, not a jihadist who conquers it with the sword.

(2) According to the Bible, the end time world religion will be an apostate Christianity—a harlot church in bed with all other religions—not a militant Islam.

(3) Speaking of Gnosticism, the ancient forerunner of modern New Age-type religions that are both infiltrating and apostatizing today’s church, the Apostle John wrote, “…this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3).


Rather than looking for the rising “spirit of antichrist” in the Islamic world, as some suggest, we ought to be looking for it in the ominous rising of an apostate church, as the Apostle John warned.


The world’s rising pagan friendly, all-inclusive, politically correct, do-it-yourself, apostate church is the real incubator that will hatch the one world religion of the end time. It is on the crest of this wave that the antichrist will ride into the world. Nothing, Islam included, will be able to stand before it. It will devour the earth and unleash a reign of terror such as the world has never known.


Such a scenario may seem inconceivable in light of the seemingly innocuous, tolerance championing, politically correct church of our day. Yet, let me assure you that just below the surface of all of this tolerance gibberish lies a seething hatred of God and of all things Christian that far exceeds anything ever recorded before in the annals of human history.


Recently, we were given a little glimpse of Islam’s inability to stand before the rising “spirit of antichrist.” It happened when adherents to the Religion of the Sword met their match in San Franciscan political correctness. Believe it or not, it was the Islamists who flinched.


According to the Hadith, the multiple wives of Mohammed occupied rooms attached to the mosque of the Prophet’s Medina dwelling. A tent-like curtain separated the rooms of the Prophet’s wives from his assembled followers. Every time Mohammed’s followers assembled, some male worshippers would purposely come late to the mosque in order to ogle the female worshippers from behind. As a result, Mohammed ordered all of the men to pray in the front of the mosque and all of the women to pray in the back; after all, ogling or being ogled can be quite distracting during one’s prayer time.


At the beginning of the 18th century, the Wahhabi Muslims of Saudi Arabia went a step further in segregating male and female worshippers at the mosque. They began erecting walls in their mosques to separate the men from the women; much like Mohammed separated his wives from attendees at his mosque by a curtain. These walls of separation are seen in the vast majority of Muslim mosques in the world today. Since most of the money to construct mosque in America comes from Saudi Arabia, the majority of American mosques are partitioned, dividing the men from the women and children.


Up until recently San Francisco’s largest mosque boasted of a wall separating male and female worshippers. However, when female worshippers at Darussalam mosque complained about the wall segregating them from the mosque’s imam and male worshippers, the wall was demolished. Granted, the wall has since been replaced by signs that read “Sisters Prayer Area Only Behind This Sign,” but its demolition is still seen as a first step in reforming traditional Islam into a more acceptable left-coast religion.


Bolstered by the wall’s demolition, Souleiman Ghali, a founding member of the Islamic Society of San Francisco, boldly asserted, “I am positive there will be an American Islamic identity that is separate from what you see in the Middle East and the rest of the Islamic world.” Ghali went on to add that American Muslims are free to consider things that are taboo in other Islamic countries, as well as to challenge and even change traditional Islam itself.


Along with Mr. Ghali, other leaders of San Francisco’s Darussalam mosque say that they believe America provides fertile ground for Muslims to incorporate the best of all cultural traditions into their religion. Although one would expect to find multiculturalism and New Age-type religion in San Francisco, it does come as quite a surprise when it is being advocated in a mosque. Consequently, a considerable exodus from the mosque has occurred.


In what I believe to be a foreboding omen of things to come, those exiting San Francisco’s largest mosque complain that Darussalam has been taken over by a group of intolerant “ayatollahs” who forbid dissent. While Muslim terrorists in Iraq refuse to flinch in the face of American military might, isn’t it telling that Muslims in San Francisco—the world’s gay Mecca—are cutting and running from politically correct “ayatollahs.” Make no mistake about it; the coming “ayatollahs” of the politically correct worldwide religion of the end time will be as frightening as anything this world has ever seen, so frightening that they’ll make the Ayatollah Khomeini look like a cub scout and cause even the most fanatical Muslims to flinch.


I have no doubt that democratic socialism will spearhead the biblically predicted end time world movement. It certainly won’t be Isalm, a primitive, oppressive and militant religion that is as politically incorrect as any religion could ever hope to be. Far from alluring the world’s politically correct cultures into its clutches, such a religion is anathema to today’s broad-minded bleeding hearts.


For along time we feared that communism was coming west, but have lived to behold the phenomenon of democracy going east. Communists, who are called “socialists in a hurry,” because of their philosophy of imposing socialism by force upon a people, had no chance of conquering this wayward world with its intractable inhabitants. Instead, it is democratic socialism, which is gradually imposed upon a people over time, as people are slowly and systematically persuaded to hand over to Big Brother or the “Nanny State” individual liberties in exchange for government largesse, that has taken the whole of western Europe.


I’ve always wondered, however, how America, which was founded on limited government and individual rights, could fall to European style democracy. Well, I’m not wondering anymore! Although many failed attempts have been made in the past, such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” today’s successive transforming of America into a European style democracy started under former President George W. Bush, with the nationalizing of our banks and the government takeover of private industry, like the automobile industry. It has since greatly accelerated under our current president, Barack Obama, thanks to things like “Obamacare”—the government takeover of healthcare—and proposed legislation like the Cap-and-Trade bill, which would put government in control of everything from the thermostat in your house to the car in your driveway.


It was the Philosopher Plato who said, “The worst tyranny is the tyranny of the majority.” History has proven that the most powerful dictators were the Roman Caesars, because they were elected and seen as the tribunes of the people. To oppose the Caesar was tantamount to opposing the will of the people and the good of the state. Thus, opposition to Caesar was seen as treachery and all who practiced it as enemies of Rome.


The American president is the modern-day equivalent of Rome’s ancient Caesars. He, like the ancient Caesars, is seen as the tribune of the people, a man elected to carryout the people’s will. This is why our modern-day presidents always cloak themselves in electoral mandates when carrying out their administrations’ agendas. It is their way of doing what they want under the guise of doing “the will of the people.” It is also their way of silencing all opposition as the enemy of the electorate and of the state.


Rather than looking for the future “antichrist” to be some Muslim hiding in a cave in Afghanistan, we might ought to look in the Oval Office; after all, its current occupant has been dubbed, “The One.” Some have even went as far as to suggest that Barack Obama is “the one that the whole world has been waiting for.” Now, I’m not saying that Barack Obama is the antichrist, but I am saying that the American president is a far better candidate for the job than some al-Qaeda terrorist.

Don Walton