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23 Apr 2009

Months before any of the facts of our president’s former church, questionable associates or radical views began trickling out in the main stream media, we wrote about them in Time4Truth Magazine. Although we’ve angered some and lost subscribers as a result, we’ve also been warning you for months about the perfect socialist storm gathering in America. As unpopular as it for us to say, our country’s current circumstances serve as irrefutable evidence that the America we’ve always known and loved is no more. Believe me; it pains me to say it. Still, I feel divinely duty-bound to do so, knowing that refusing to admit it doesn’t alter the truth of it. 

As we’ve reported in this publication, the sixties radicals have completed their “long march through the institutions.” Today’s government institutions are firmly in the grasp of  yesterday’s flower children, whose intention has always been to destroy the America we’ve known in order to raise from its ashes a socialist utopia of their own. To accomplish what was once unimaginable in these United States; namely, the ushering in of the “Age of Aquarius,” these former sixties hippies had to capture the minds of succeeding younger generations. 


Thanks to the likes of liberal educators like John Dewey, as well as the liberal monopoly held in our public schools by organizations like the NEA, younger generations of Americans have now been successfully dumbed-down for decades. Having been indoctrinated by politically correct educators, today’s youth are not only void of principles and convictions, but view them as vices rather than virtues, since they’ve been brainwashed into believing that all who possess them are narrow-minded bigots. Incapable of logic, today’s youth don’t bother to think, but only to feel. To them, truth is whatever feels good.


Our nation’s future is now in the hands of younger Americans who prefer rhetoric to reality; that is, they prefer feeling good to facing the facts. In addition, our nation’s governance is now in the hands of those determined to undermine our founding principles in order to mastermind a socialist takeover of America. When you add to the hands now holding the reigns of power and our future prospects the outstretched hands of contemporary Americans who are ever-ready to swap their freedoms for government handouts, it becomes crystal clear to any honest observer that it is only a matter of time until the state will own and control us, having already bought us and reduced us to government dependency. What hope does America really have of solving its mounting and monstrous problems in light of our current circumstances?


I know that many Americans believe that we can turn things around in this country and that anyone saying differently is unpatriotic. They put a lot of hope in conservative media personalities like Glen Beck, a non-practicing Mormon, and Rush Limbaugh, a man who bills himself as being “on a relentless pursuit of the truth,” despite the fact that the one subject he bans from discussion on his radio program is Jesus Christ, who is the truth (John 14:6). Others foresee our country returning to moral sanity and its founding principles as soon as the Republican Party rises again. Yet, Republican occupants of the Oval Office and majorities in both houses of Congress have done little in the past, if anything at all, to slow down the profaning of our culture. It can even be argued that in many instances Republicans have helped to speed it up rather than slow it down.


In 1999, Paul Weyrich, the coiner of the phrase and co-founder of the organization “Moral Majority,” wrote an open and telltale letter to all conservatives. In his letter, Weyrich lamented, “The culture we are living in has become an ever-widening sewer. In truth, I think we are caught up in a cultural collapse of historic proportions, a collapse so great that it simply overwhelms politics.” Weyrich went on to bemoan the fact that “the ideology of Political Correctness, which openly calls for the destruction of our traditional culture, has so gripped the body politic,” as well as all of “our [other] institutions…the academic community…the entertainment industry…and even the Church,” that it now “threatens to control literally every aspect of our lives.”


According to Weyrich, “Political Correctness, which is more accurately called ‘Cultural Marxism,’” has made it impossible in today’s America “to approach the truth about a lot of different subjects.” Anyone who dares to do so faces “legal problems, political problems, and [may] even lose [their] job or be expelled from college.” Of course, they will also be “immediately branded as ‘racist,’ ‘sexist,’ ‘homophobic,’ ‘insensitive,’ or ‘judgmental.’” In such a society, where truth is effectively banned from public discourse by Cultural Marxists, what hope is there of America returning to the truth, when truth has been muted throughout our land?


Weyrich ended his letter with some unwelcome and unsettling conclusions. First, he asserted that there is no “moral majority” in America. “What Americans found absolutely intolerable only a few years ago,” Weyrich argues, “a majority now not only tolerates but celebrates.” Second, he confessed his belief that “we have lost the culture war.” Despite numerous conservative political victories, Weyrich points out that American culture has continued to rot unabated, sinking deeper and deeper into degradation. Finally, Weyrich called for Christians “to separate [themselves] from the institutions that have been captured by the ideology of Political Correctness.” While he makes it plain that he is “not suggesting that we all become Amish or move to Idaho,” he does advocate that we take the necessary steps “to separate ourselves from this hostile culture.”


Weyrich points out in his letter “that the word ‘holy’ means ‘set apart,’ and that it is not against our tradition to be…‘set apart.’” According to him, God’s people—in the Old Testament, New Testament, and throughout Christian history—have saved themselves from cultural decay by separating themselves “while the surrounding society disintegrated.” Weyrich offers homeschooling as an example of the kind of separation needed today. “Faced with public schools that no longer educate but” indoctrinate, Weyrich says its time we “seceded” from public education and home schooled our children, so as to “quarantine” them and keep them from being “infected” by our diseased culture.


Far from seeing “the dawn of a new civilization,” as many modern-day sages optimistically opine, Weyrich warned that we are actually seeing “the twilight of an old one.” Needless to say, his letter caused a great deal of angst and anger among political conservatives and professed Christians, so much so that he backed off somewhat from it before his death last year. Although I understand why he did, I wish he hadn’t, because in my opinion the only disturbing thing about Weyrich’s letter is it’s true!


The America that we’ve always known and loved is no more. I know that you don’t want to hear this and that I run the risk of angering you by saying it. Yet, neither you being deaf to it or me being dumb about it does anything to change the undeniable truth of it. We simply must face the facts. Sticking our heads in the sand will only keep us from preparing ourselves for what lies ahead, not to mention prevent us from protecting our children from a profusion of profane and present-day anti-Christian influences. We simply can’t afford to be ostriches; instead, we need to become like the “children of Issachar” (1 Chronicles 12:32). We need to become men and women who understand our times and know what ought to be done.


Now, I’m not proposing, as many do who fail to see a role for America in end-time Bible prophecy, that our nation—the world’s only remaining superpower—is about to exit the world stage. Unlike many who see America playing no role in the biblically predicted drama of the last days, I see her playing a major role, though I readily admit that few will care for my casting of her as one of the end-times’ most notorious characters. Still, it’s hard for the honest student of Scripture to deny that “Lady Liberty” is beginning to aline herself with the great world-seducing whore of the last days and that this former “land of the free and home of the brave” is starting to take on some beastly characteristics (Revelation 13, 17-18). 


In the days and months ahead, we will be turning our focus in this publication to the subject of Bible prophecy. Although I’ve never be a doomsday prophet, I’m absolutely convinced that we are now in the biblically predicted “perilous times” of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-9). Thus, we can ill afford to waste space on these pages bandaging the inescapable symptoms of the signs of the times or foolishly suggesting that it is humanly possible to alter the predetermined and unalterable plans and purposes of God. What the Bible predicts, will certainly come to pass. There is no man on earth, angel in Heaven, or devil in Hell that can prevent it from doing so. The biblically predicted end-time scenario will materialize, the end-time players will take to the world stage, and this fallen planet’s final scene will be acted out exactly as scripted in the Scripture for the glory of God!


With this issue of Time4Truth Magazine, we begin our tromp through the Bible’s apocalyptic literature with two preliminary articles—“The Rubik’s Cube of Bible Prophecy” and “Why Should We Study Prophecy.” The first article will teach you how to be teachable when it comes to this important subject. Unless you’re willing to surrender preconceived ideas, you’ll never be able to piece together the puzzle of Bible prophecy. 


The second article serves as a biblical answer to all of those in the world today who dismiss Bible prophecy as too difficult a subject to understand. According to these folks, it’s a waste of time to study it, since no one will ever be able to understand it. Far from being a waste of time, this article will teach you that it is absolutely imperative for contemporary Christians to study and understand Bible prophecy.


In the future, you will find this publication filled with timely articles expounding upon the signs of the times. You will also find within these pages practical advise on how to protect your children from the growing swell of the spirit of antichrist, on how to prepare yourself for the dark and difficult days ahead, and on how to better propagate your world with the Gospel. 


I’d like to conclude this article by asking you to share this publication with others. They will never get to know our ministry unless someone like you introduces them to us. Also, tell them about our website, a place where all of our magazine articles are eventually posted and where an abundance of other helpful information may be found as well. Finally, remember that our ministry is solely dependent upon the donations and prayers of God’s people. While we’re happy to send our magazine complimentary to all who request it, it’s only made possible by the generosity of our supporters. Our continuance as a ministry is dependent upon the contributions of folks like you.

Don Walton